Oliver T. Schmidt
Oliver T. Schmidt
Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California San Diego
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Modal analysis of fluid flows: An overview
K Taira, SL Brunton, STM Dawson, CW Rowley, T Colonius, BJ McKeon, ...
AIAA Journal, 4013-4041, 2017
Spectral proper orthogonal decomposition and its relationship to dynamic mode decomposition and resolvent analysis
A Towne, OT Schmidt, T Colonius
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 847, 821-867, 2018
Guide to spectral proper orthogonal decomposition
OT Schmidt, T Colonius
Aiaa journal 58 (3), 1023-1033, 2020
Spectral analysis of jet turbulence
OT Schmidt, A Towne, G Rigas, T Colonius, GA Brès
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 855, 953–982, 2018
Importance of the nozzle-exit boundary-layer state in subsonic turbulent jets
GA Brès, P Jordan, V Jaunet, M Le Rallic, AVG Cavalieri, A Towne, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 851, 83-124, 2018
Acoustic resonance in the potential core of subsonic jets
A Towne, AVG Cavalieri, P Jordan, T Colonius, O Schmidt, V Jaunet, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 825, 1113-1152, 2017
Wavepackets and trapped acoustic modes in a turbulent jet: coherent structure eduction and global stability
OT Schmidt, A Towne, T Colonius, AVG Cavalieri, P Jordan, GA Bres
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 825, 1153-1181, 2017
Frequency–time analysis, low-rank reconstruction and denoising of turbulent flows using SPOD
A Nekkanti, OT Schmidt
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 926, A26, 2021
Jet–flap interaction tones
P Jordan, V Jaunet, A Towne, AVG Cavalieri, T Colonius, O Schmidt, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 853, 333-358, 2018
Large-eddy simulations of co-annular turbulent jet using a Voronoi-based mesh generation framework
GA Bres, ST Bose, M Emory, FE Ham, OT Schmidt, G Rigas, T Colonius
2018 AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 3302, 2018
Optimal eddy viscosity for resolvent-based models of coherent structures in turbulent jets
E Pickering, G Rigas, OT Schmidt, D Sipp, T Colonius
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 917, A29, 2021
Lift-up, Kelvin–Helmholtz and Orr mechanisms in turbulent jets
E Pickering, G Rigas, PAS Nogueira, AVG Cavalieri, OT Schmidt, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 896, A2, 2020
An efficient streaming algorithm for spectral proper orthogonal decomposition
OT Schmidt, A Towne
Computer Physics Communications 237, 98-109, 2019
A conditional space–time POD formalism for intermittent and rare events: example of acoustic bursts in turbulent jets
OT Schmidt, PJ Schmid
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 867, R2, 2019
Waves in screeching jets
D Edgington-Mitchell, T Wang, P Nogueira, O Schmidt, V Jaunet, D Duke, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 913, A7, 2021
Bispectral mode decomposition of nonlinear flows
OT Schmidt
Nonlinear Dynamics 102, 2479-2501, 2020
Spectral Proper Orthogonal Decomposition using Multitaper Estimates
OT Schmidt
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 36 (5), 741–754, 2022
High-frequency wavepackets in turbulent jets
K Sasaki, AVG Cavalieri, P Jordan, OT Schmidt, T Colonius, GA Bres
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 830, R2, 2017
Spectral proper orthogonal decomposition analysis of the turbulent wake of a disk at Re= 50 000
S Nidhan, K Chongsiripinyo, OT Schmidt, S Sarkar
Physical Review Fluids 5 (12), 124606, 2020
Linear stability of compressible flow in a streamwise corner
OT Schmidt, U Rist
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 688, 569-590, 2011
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