Wolfgang Drobetz
Wolfgang Drobetz
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Corporate governance and expected stock returns: Evidence from Germany
W Drobetz, A Schillhofer, H Zimmermann
European Financial Management 10 (2), 267-293, 2004
An integrated framework of corporate governance and firm valuation
S Beiner, W Drobetz, MM Schmid, H Zimmermann
European Financial Management 12 (2), 249-283, 2006
What determines the speed of adjustment to the target capital structure?
W Drobetz, G Wanzenried
Applied Financial Economics 16 (13), 941-958, 2006
Is board size an independent corporate governance mechanism?
S Beiner, W Drobetz, F Schmid, H Zimmermann
Kyklos 57 (3), 327-356, 2004
What are the determinants of the capital structure? Evidence from Switzerland
W Drobetz, R Fix
Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 61-111, 2005
Information asymmetry and the value of cash
W Drobetz, MC Grüninger, S Hirschvogl
Journal of Banking and Finance 34 (9), 2168-2184, 2010
Corporate cash holdings: Evidence from Switzerland
W Drobetz, MC Grüninger
Financial Markets and Portfolio Management 21, 293-324, 2007
Policy uncertainty, investment, and the cost of capital
W Drobetz, S El Ghoul, O Guedhami, M Janzen
Journal of Financial Stability 39, 28-45, 2018
The international zero-leverage phenomenon
W Bessler, W Drobetz, R Haller, I Meier
Journal of Corporate Finance 23, 196-221, 2013
Capital structure decisions of globally-listed shipping companies
W Drobetz, D Gounopoulos, A Merikas, H Schröder
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 52, 49-76, 2013
Information asymmetry and financing decisions
W Bessler, W Drobetz, MC Grüninger
International Review of Finance 11 (1), 123-154, 2011
Heterogeneity in the speed of capital structure adjustment across countries and over the business cycle
W Drobetz, DC Schilling, H Schröder
European Financial Management 21 (5), 936-973, 2015
Long-run performance of initial public offerings: The evidence for Switzerland
W Drobetz, M Kammermann, U Wälchli
Schmalenbach Business Review 57, 253-275, 2005
Portfolio insurance and prospect theory investors: Popularity and optimal design of capital protected financial products
H Dichtl, W Drobetz
Journal of Banking and Finance 35 (7), 1683-1697, 2011
The returns to hedge fund activism in Germany
W Bessler, W Drobetz, J Holler
European Financial Management 21 (1), 106-147, 2015
Corporate social responsibility disclosure: The case of international shipping
W Drobetz, A Merikas, A Merika, MG Tsionas
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 71, 18-44, 2014
How to avoid the pitfalls in portfolio optimization? Putting the Black-Litterman approach at work
W Drobetz
Financial Markets and Portfolio Management 15 (1), 59, 2001
Dynamics of time-varying volatility in the dry bulk and tanker freight markets
W Drobetz, T Richter, M Wambach
Applied Financial Economics 22 (16), 1367-1384, 2012
Financing shipping companies and shipping operations: A risk‐management perspective
S Albertijn, W Bessler, W Drobetz
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 23 (4), 70-82, 2011
Common risk factors in the returns of shipping stocks
W Drobetz, D Schilling, L Tegtmeier
Maritime Policy & Management 37 (2), 93-120, 2010
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