Juan Diego Alcaraz-Hernández
Cited by
Cited by
Effective monitoring of freshwater fish
J Radinger, JR Britton, SM Carlson, AE Magurran, JD Alcaraz‐Hernández, ...
Fish and Fisheries 20 (4), 729-747, 2019
Data-driven fuzzy habitat suitability models for brown trout in Spanish Mediterranean rivers
AM Mouton, JD Alcaraz-Hernández, B De Baets, PLM Goethals, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 26 (5), 615-622, 2011
Habitat suitability modelling at mesohabitat scale and effects of dam operation on the endangered Júcar nase, Parachondrostoma arrigonis (river Cabriel, Spain)
RMS Costa, F Martínez‐Capel, R Muñoz‐Mas, JD Alcaraz‐Hernández, ...
River Research and Applications 28 (6), 740-752, 2012
Environmental filtering governs the spatial distribution of alien fishes in a large, human‐impacted Mediterranean river
J Radinger, JD Alcaraz‐Hernández, E García‐Berthou
Diversity and Distributions 25 (5), 701-714, 2019
Environmental and spatial correlates of hydrologic alteration in a large Mediterranean river catchment
J Radinger, JD Alcaraz-Hernández, E García-Berthou
Science of the Total Environment 639, 1138-1147, 2018
Modelling native fish richness to evaluate the effects of hydromorphological changes and river restoration (Júcar River Basin, Spain)
EJ Olaya-Marín, F Martínez-Capel, RMS Costa, JD Alcaraz-Hernández
Science of the Total Environment 440, 95-105, 2012
Habitat suitability modelling to assess the introductions of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Netherlands
A Ibáñez-Justicia, JD Alcaraz-Hernández, R van Lammeren, ...
Parasites & vectors 13, 1-13, 2020
Mesohabitat heterogeneity in four mediterranean streams of the Jucar river basin (Eastern Spain)
JD Alcaraz-Hernández, F Martinez-Capel, MM Peredo Parada, ...
Limnetica 30 (2), 363-378, 2011
Relationship of fish indices with sampling effort and land use change in a large Mediterranean river
D Almeida, JD Alcaraz-Hernández, R Merciai, L Benejam, ...
Science of the Total Environment 605, 1055-1063, 2017
Fate of pharmaceuticals in the Ebro River Delta region: The combined evaluation of water, sediment, plastic litter, and biomonitoring
JM Castaño-Ortiz, R Gil-Solsona, N Ospina-Álvarez, ...
Science of the Total Environment 906, 167467, 2024
Risk of invasion predicted with support vector machines: A case study on northern pike (Esox Lucius, L.) and bleak (Alburnus alburnus, L.)
R Muñoz-Mas, P Vezza, JD Alcaraz-Hernández, F Martínez-Capel
Ecological Modelling 342, 123-134, 2016
On species distribution modelling, spatial scales and environmental flow assessment with Multi–Layer Perceptron Ensembles: A case study on the redfin barbel (Barbus haasi …
R Muñoz-Mas, F Martínez-Capel, JD Alcaraz-Hernández, AM Mouton
Limnologica 62, 161-172, 2017
Can multilayer perceptron ensembles model the ecological niche of freshwater fish species?
R Muñoz-Mas, F Martinez-Capel, JD Alcaraz-Hernández, AM Mouton
Ecological Modelling 309, 72-81, 2015
Microhabitat competition between Iberian fish species and the endangered Júcar nase (Parachondrostoma arrigonis; Steindachner, 1866)
R Muñoz-Mas, RMS Costa, JD Alcaraz-Hernández, F Martínez-Capel
Journal of Ecohydraulics 2 (1), 3-15, 2017
Generalized additive models to predict adult and young brown trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) densities in Mediterranean rivers
JD Alcaraz‐Hernández, R Muñoz‐Mas, F Martínez‐Capel, ...
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 32 (1), 217-228, 2016
Habitat suitability modeling with random forest as a tool for fish conservation in mediterranean rivers
P Vezza, F Martinez Capel, R Muñoz Mas, JD Alcaraz, C Comoglio
9th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2012 Proceedings, 2012
Relaciones entre densidades y biomasas de Salmo trutta fario y mediciones del mesohabitat en tramos trucheros de la Comunidad Valenciana
JD Alcaraz-Hernández, F Martínez-Capel, MM Peredo Parada, ...
limnetica 26 (1), 159-167, 2007
Hydrological classification of non‐perennial Mediterranean rivers and streams: a new insight for their management within the water framework directive
JD Alcaraz‐Hernández, J Soler, G Mezger, A Corrochano Codorníu, ...
River Research and Applications 39 (4), 675-691, 2023
Estado de las poblaciones de trucha en los ríos de la Comunidad Valenciana y caracterización de sus hábitats
JD Alcaraz Hernández
Universitat Politècnica de València, 2012
Estimación de las curvas de preferencia de microhábitat para determinadas especies piscícolas representativas como paso intermedio en el establecimiento del régimen de caudales …
F Martínez-Capel, M Bargay-Juan, AB Hernández-Mascarell, ...
Technical Report of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia for the Júcar …, 2007
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Articles 1–20