Ryan Finnigan
Ryan Finnigan
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Does immigration undermine public support for social policy?
D Brady, R Finnigan
American sociological review 79 (1), 17-42, 2014
When unionization disappears: State-level unionization and working poverty in the United States
D Brady, RS Baker, R Finnigan
American sociological review 78 (5), 872-896, 2013
Rethinking the risks of poverty: A framework for analyzing prevalences and penalties
D Brady, RM Finnigan, S Hübgen
American journal of sociology 123 (3), 740-786, 2017
Rights for same-sex couples and public attitudes toward gays and lesbians in Europe
T Abou-Chadi, R Finnigan
Comparative Political Studies 52 (6), 868-895, 2019
Working 9 to 5? Union membership and work hours and schedules
R Finnigan, JM Hale
Social Forces 96 (4), 1541-1568, 2018
Varying weekly work hours and earnings instability in the Great Recession
R Finnigan
Social science research 74, 96-107, 2018
Racial and ethnic stratification in the relationship between homeownership and self-rated health
R Finnigan
Social science & medicine 115, 72-81, 2014
Past due: Combinations of utility and housing hardship in the United States
R Finnigan, KD Meagher
Sociological Perspectives 62 (1), 96-119, 2019
Self-Reported Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic for People Experiencing Homelessness in Sacramento, California
R Finnigan
Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness, 2020
Poverty, material hardship, and mental health among workers in three front-line service occupations
B McCarthy, A Carter, M Jansson, C Benoit, R Finnigan
Journal of Poverty 22 (4), 334-354, 2018
The Inheritance of Race Revisited: Childhood Wealth and Income and Black–White Disadvantages in Adult Life Chances
D Brady, R Finnigan, U Kohler, J Legewie
Sociological Science 7, 599-627, 2020
Rainbow-Collar Jobs? Occupational Segregation by Sexual Orientation in the United States
R Finnigan
Socius 6, 2020
Single mothers are not the problem
D Brady, RM Finnigan, S Hubgen
The New York Times, 2018
The growth and shifting spatial distribution of tent encampments in Oakland, California
R Finnigan
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 693 (1 …, 2021
Occupational composition and racial/ethnic inequality in varying work hours in the great recession
R Finnigan, S Hunter
Race, Identity and Work 32, 165-193, 2018
Greater resources required to protect people experiencing homelessness from COVID-19
R Finnigan
UC Davis Center for Poverty Research: Policy Brief 8 (9), 1-2, 2020
Marijuana & the media: The influence of media narratives on legalization outcomes
RA Rothstein, R Finnigan
UC Davis, 1-44, 2015
Power, Policies and Working Poverty in the US
D Brady, RS Baker, R Finnigan
Conference paper presented at the International Conference on Poverty …, 2011
The Role of Single Motherhood in America’s High Child Poverty
D Brady, RS Baker, R Finnigan
COVID-19 Vaccination and Hesitancy among People Experiencing Homelessness in Sacramento, California
R Finnigan
International Journal on Homelessness 3 (1), 2023
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