Sam Wass
Cited by
Cited by
Distortions and disconnections: disrupted brain connectivity in autism
S Wass
Brain and cognition 75 (1), 18-28, 2011
Training attentional control and working memory–Is younger, better?
SV Wass, G Scerif, MH Johnson
Developmental Review 32 (4), 360-387, 2012
Training attentional control in infancy
S Wass, K Porayska-Pomsta, MH Johnson
Current biology 21 (18), 1543-1547, 2011
Speaker gaze increases information coupling between infant and adult brains
V Leong, E Byrne, K Clackson, S Georgieva, S Lam, S Wass
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (50), 13290-13295, 2017
Developing technology for autism: an interdisciplinary approach
K Porayska-Pomsta, C Frauenberger, H Pain, G Rajendran, T Smith, ...
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 16, 117-127, 2012
Parsing eye-tracking data of variable quality to provide accurate fixation duration estimates in infants and adults
SV Wass, TJ Smith, MH Johnson
Behavior research methods 45, 229-250, 2013
Robustness and precision: How data quality may influence key dependent variables in infant eye‐tracker analyses
SV Wass, L Forssman, J Leppänen
Infancy 19 (5), 427-460, 2014
Interpersonal neural entrainment during early social interaction
SV Wass, M Whitehorn, IM Haresign, E Phillips, V Leong
Trends in cognitive sciences 24 (4), 329-342, 2020
Research review: Do parent ratings of infant negative emotionality and self‐regulation predict psychopathology in childhood and adolescence? A systematic review and meta …
K Kostyrka‐Allchorne, SV Wass, EJS Sonuga‐Barke
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 61 (4), 401-416, 2020
Parental neural responsivity to infants’ visual attention: How mature brains influence immature brains during social interaction
SV Wass, V Noreika, S Georgieva, K Clackson, L Brightman, R Nutbrown, ...
PLoS biology 16 (12), e2006328, 2018
The uses of cognitive training technologies in the treatment of autism spectrum disorders
SV Wass, K Porayska-Pomsta
Autism 18 (8), 851-871, 2014
Emotional valence modulates the topology of the parent-infant inter-brain network
L Santamaria, V Noreika, S Georgieva, K Clackson, S Wass, V Leong
NeuroImage 207, 116341, 2020
Shorter spontaneous fixation durations in infants with later emerging autism
SV Wass, EJH Jones, T Gliga, TJ Smith, T Charman, MH Johnson, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 8284, 2015
Applying cognitive training to target executive functions during early development
SV Wass
Child Neuropsychology 21 (2), 150-166, 2015
Individual differences in infant oculomotor behavior during the viewing of complex naturalistic scenes
SV Wass, TJ Smith
Infancy 19 (4), 352-384, 2014
Blending human and artificial intelligence to support autistic children’s social communication skills
K Porayska-Pomsta, AM Alcorn, K Avramides, S Beale, S Bernardini, ...
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 25 (6), 1-35, 2018
Widely applicable MATLAB routines for automated analysis of saccadic reaction times
JM Leppänen, L Forssman, J Kaatiala, S Yrttiaho, S Wass
Behavior Research Methods 47, 538-548, 2015
Infants' visual sustained attention is higher during joint play than solo play: is this due to increased endogenous attention control or exogenous stimulus capture?
SV Wass, K Clackson, SD Georgieva, L Brightman, R Nutbrown, V Leong
Developmental science 21 (6), e12667, 2018
14 challenges and their solutions for conducting social neuroscience and longitudinal EEG research with infants
V Noreika, S Georgieva, S Wass, V Leong
Infant Behavior and Development 58, 101393, 2020
Tonic and phasic co-variation of peripheral arousal indices in infants
SV Wass, K De Barbaro, K Clackson
Biological Psychology 111, 26-39, 2015
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Articles 1–20