Sofia-Katerina Kufner
Sofia-Katerina Kufner
Research Associate at FAU
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Deep India meets deep Asia: Lithospheric indentation, delamination and break-off under Pamir and Hindu Kush (Central Asia)
SK Kufner, B Schurr, C Sippl, X Yuan, L Ratschbacher, A Ischuk, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 435, 171-184, 2016
Complex rupture process of the Mw 7.8, 2016, Kaikoura earthquake, New Zealand, and its aftershock sequence
S Cesca, Y Zhang, V Mouslopoulou, R Wang, J Saul, M Savage, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 478, 110-120, 2017
Zooming into the Hindu Kush slab break-off: A rare glimpse on the terminal stage of subduction
SK Kufner, B Schurr, C Haberland, Y Zhang, J Saul, A Ischuk, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 461, 127-140, 2017
Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) for natural microseismicity studies: A case study from Antarctica
TS Hudson, AF Baird, JM Kendall, SK Kufner, AM Brisbourne, AM Smith, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126 (7), e2020JB021493, 2021
The crust in the Pamir: Insights from receiver functions
FM Schneider, X Yuan, B Schurr, J Mechie, C Sippl, SK Kufner, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (8), 9313-9331, 2019
The Hindu Kush slab break-off as revealed by deep structure and crustal deformation
SK Kufner, N Kakar, M Bezada, W Bloch, S Metzger, X Yuan, J Mechie, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 1685, 2021
The 2015 Mw7.2 Sarez Strike‐Slip Earthquake in the Pamir Interior: Response to the Underthrusting of India's Western Promontory
S Metzger, B Schurr, L Ratschbacher, H Sudhaus, SK Kufner, T Schöne, ...
Tectonics 36 (11), 2407-2421, 2017
Seismotectonics of the Tajik basin and surrounding mountain ranges
SK Kufner, B Schurr, L Ratschbacher, S Murodkulov, S Abdulhameed, ...
Tectonics 37 (8), 2404-2424, 2018
3D geodynamic models for the development of opposing continental subduction zones: The Hindu Kush–Pamir example
J Liao, T Gerya, M Thielmann, AAG Webb, SK Kufner, A Yin
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 480, 133-146, 2017
Not all icequakes are created equal: Basal icequakes suggest diverse bed deformation mechanisms at Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica
SK Kufner, AM Brisbourne, AM Smith, TS Hudson, T Murray, R Schlegel, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 126 (3), e2020JF006001, 2021
Dense GNSS profiles across the northwestern tip of the India‐Asia collision zone: Triggered slip and westward flow of the Peter the First Range, Pamir, into the Tajik Depression
S Metzger, A Ischuk, Z Deng, L Ratschbacher, M Perry, SK Kufner, ...
Tectonics 39 (2), e2019TC005797, 2020
Seismic anisotropy beneath the Pamir and the Hindu Kush: Evidence for contributions from crust, mantle lithosphere, and asthenosphere
SK Kufner, T Eken, F Tilmann, B Schurr, X Yuan, J Mechie, C Sippl, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123 (12), 10,727-10,748, 2018
Tajik basin and southwestern Tian Shan, northwestern India‐Asia collision zone: 2. Timing of basin inversion, Tian Shan mountain building, and relation to Pamir‐plateau advance …
S Abdulhameed, L Ratschbacher, R Jonckheere, Ł Gągała, E Enkelmann, ...
Tectonics 39 (5), e2019TC005873, 2020
Seismic Noise Interferometry and Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS): Inverting for the Firn Layer S‐Velocity Structure on Rutford Ice Stream, Antarctica
W Zhou, A Butcher, AM Brisbourne, SK Kufner, JM Kendall, AL Stork
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 127 (12), e2022JF006917, 2022
Tajik Basin and Southwestern Tian Shan, Northwestern India‐Asia collision zone: 1. Structure, kinematics, and salt tectonics in the Tajik fold‐and‐thrust belt of the Western …
Ł Gągała, L Ratschbacher, JC Ringenbach, SK Kufner, B Schurr, ...
Tectonics 39 (5), e2019TC005871, 2020
Downhole distributed acoustic seismic profiling at Skytrain Ice Rise, West Antarctica
AM Brisbourne, M Kendall, SK Kufner, TS Hudson, AM Smith
The Cryosphere 15 (7), 3443-3458, 2021
Structure and stress field of the lithosphere between Pamir and Tarim
W Bloch, B Schurr, X Yuan, L Ratschbacher, S Reuter, SK Kufner, Q Xu, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (22), e2021GL095413, 2021
Lithospheric delamination beneath the southern Puna plateau resolved by local earthquake tomography
J Chen, SK Kufner, X Yuan, B Heit, H Wu, D Yang, B Schurr, S Kay
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 (10), e2019JB019040, 2020
The devastating 2022 M6. 2 Afghanistan earthquake: Challenges, processes, and implications
SK Kufner, L Bie, Y Gao, M Lindner, H Waizy, N Kakar, A Rietbrock
Geophysical Research Letters 50 (11), e2022GL102176, 2023
Constraints on fluid flow processes in the Hellenic Accretionary Complex (eastern Mediterranean Sea) from numerical modeling
SK Kufner, A Hüpers, AJ Kopf
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (4), 3601-3626, 2014
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