Mauro Candeloro
Mauro Candeloro
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A Voronoi-diagram-based dynamic path-planning system for underactuated marine vessels
M Candeloro, AM Lekkas, AJ Sørensen
Control Engineering Practice 61, 41-54, 2017
Relative velocity control and integral LOS for path following of underactuated surface vessels
W Caharija, M Candeloro, KY Pettersen, AJ Sørensen
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (27), 380-385, 2012
Relative velocity control and integral line of sight for path following of autonomous surface vessels: Merging intuition with theory
W Caharija, KY Pettersen, AJ Sørensen, M Candeloro, JT Gravdahl
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of …, 2014
Glowing in the dark: discriminating patterns of bioluminescence from different taxa during the Arctic polar night
G Johnsen, M Candeloro, J Berge, M Moline
Polar biology 37, 707-713, 2014
Continuous curvature path planning using voronoi diagrams and fermat's spirals
M Candeloro, AM Lekkas, AJ Sørensen, TI Fossen
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (33), 132-137, 2013
Development of dynamic positioning and tracking system for the ROV Minerva
AJ Sørensen, FJ Dukan, MJ Ludvigsen, DJ de Almeida Fernandes, ...
Observers for dynamic positioning of ROVs with experimental results
M Candeloro, AJ Sørensen, S Longhi, F Dukan
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (27), 85-90, 2012
A 3D dynamic Voronoi diagram-based path-planning system for UUVs
M Candeloro, AM Lekkas, J Hegde, AJ Sørensen
OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE Monterey, 1-8, 2016
Novel noncontinuous carouseling approaches for MEMS-based north seeking using Kalman filter: Theory, simulations, and preliminary experimental evaluation
L Zacchini, V Calabrò, M Candeloro, F Fanelli, A Ridolfi, F Dukan
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 25 (5), 2437-2448, 2020
HMD as a new tool for telepresence in underwater operations and closed-loop control of ROVs
M Candeloro, E Valle, MR Miyazaki, R Skjetne, M Ludvigsen, ...
OCEANS 2015-MTS/IEEE Washington, 1-8, 2015
Outlier rejection in underwater acoustic position measurements based on prediction errors
AM Lekkas, M Candeloro, I Schjølberg
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (2), 82-87, 2015
Sensor-based autonomous path-planner for sea-bottom exploration and mosaicking
M Candeloro, F Mosciaro, AJ Sørensen, G Ippoliti, M Ludvigsen
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (16), 31-36, 2015
Underwater vehicles for environmental management in coastal areas
M Ludvigsen, T Thorsnes, RE Hansen, AJ Sørensen, G Johnsen, ...
OCEANS 2015-Genova, 1-6, 2015
Analysis of a Multi-Objective Observer for UUVs
M Candeloro, F Dezi, AJ Sørensen, S Longhi
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (5), 343-348, 2012
Design of Observers for DP and Tracking of ROV "Minerva" with Experimental Results
M Candeloro
Master's thesis, Università Politecnica delle Marche & Norwegian University …, 2011
Using correlation maps in a wide-band microwave GPR
A Di Donato, M Farina, A Morini, G Venanzoni, D Mencarelli, M Candeloro, ...
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B 30, 371-387, 2011
Tools and Methods for Autonomous Operations on Seabed and Water Column using Underwater Vehicles
M Candeloro
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), 2016
Erratum to: Glowing in the dark: discriminating patterns of bioluminescence from different taxa during the Arctic polar night
G Johnsen, M Candeloro, J Berge, M Moline
Polar Biology 38 (1), 115-115, 2015
Photomosaic Camera as Simultaneous Data Collector and Navigation Aid on Unmanned Underwater Vehicles
SM Nornes, M Candeloro, Ø Ødegård, G Johnsen, AJ Sørensen
Ocean Optics XXII, Portland, ME, USA, 2014
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