René D. Clark
René D. Clark
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The practice and promise of temporal genomics for measuring evolutionary responses to global change
RD Clark, KA Catalano, KS Fitz, E Garcia, KE Jaynes, BN Reid, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources, 2023
Genomic signatures of spatially divergent selection at clownfish range margins
RD Clark, ML Aardema, P Andolfatto, PH Barber, A Hattori, JA Hoey, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1952), 20210407, 2021
Coral reef population genomics in an age of global change
ML Pinsky, RD Clark, JT Bos
Annual Review of Genetics 57 (1), 87-115, 2023
The biological hierarchy, time, and temporal ‘omics in evolutionary biology: a perspective
AA Snead, RD Clark
Integrative and Comparative Biology 62 (6), 1872-1886, 2022
An Analysis of Female Postcopulatory Behavior in Drosophila suzukii and Drosophila biarmipes
RD Clark, M DiPiero, JT Fingerut, SP McRobert
Journal of Insect Behavior 33, 193-200, 2020
Uneven genetic data limits biodiversity assessments in protected areas globally
I Paz-Vinas, A Vandergast, C Schmidt, DM Leigh, S Blanchet, RD Clark, ...
EcoEvoRxiv, 2023
Global patterns of nuclear and mitochondrial genetic diversity in marine fishes
RD Clark, ML Pinsky
Ecology and Evolution 14 (5), e11365, 2024
Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Adaptation and Adaptive Potential in a Changing Ocean
RD Clark
Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, School of Graduate Studies, 2023
Data from: Genomic signatures of spatially divergent selection at clownfish range margins
R Clark, M Aardema, P Andolfatto, P Barber, A Hattori, J Hoey, ...
(No Title), 2021
full_outlier_list. csv from Genomic signatures of spatially divergent selection at clownfish range margins
RD Clark, ML Aardema, P Andolfatto, PH Barber, A Hattori, JA Hoey, ...
(No Title), 2021
Book Review: Ocean Recovery: A Sustainable Future for Global Fisheries?
ZJ Kitchel, RMWJ Bandara, JT Bos, RD Clark, DL Forrest, ML Pinsky
Fisheries, 2021
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Artikel 1–11