Volker Ahlers
Volker Ahlers
Professor of Simulation and Mathematics, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hannover
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Hyperchaotic dynamics and synchronization of external-cavity semiconductor lasers
V Ahlers, U Parlitz, W Lauterborn
Physical Review E 58 (6), 7208, 1998
Critical properties of the synchronization transition in space-time chaos
V Ahlers, A Pikovsky
Physical review letters 88 (25), 254101, 2002
Genometa-a fast and accurate classifier for short metagenomic shotgun reads
CF Davenport, J Neugebauer, N Beckmann, B Friedrich, B Kameri, ...
Range of motion assessment of the shoulder and elbow joints using a motion sensing input device: A pilot study
N Hawi, E Liodakis, D Musolli, EM Suero, T Stuebig, L Claassen, ...
Technology and Health Care 22 (2), 289-295, 2014
From multiplicative noise to directed percolation in wetting transitions
F Ginelli, V Ahlers, R Livi, D Mukamel, A Pikovsky, A Politi, A Torcini
Physical Review E 68 (6), 065102, 2003
Lyapunov exponents in disordered chaotic systems: Avoided crossing and level statistics
V Ahlers, R Zillmer, A Pikovsky
Physical Review E 63 (3), 036213, 2001
Evaluating Artificial Immune System Algorithms for Intrusion Detection
R Pump, V Ahlers, A Koschel
2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and …, 2020
Scaling of Lyapunov exponents of coupled chaotic systems
R Zillmer, V Ahlers, A Pikovsky
Physical Review E 61 (1), 332, 2000
Towards Sustainable Transport: A Strategic Decision Support System for Urban Logistics Operations
M Heumann, R Pump, MH Breitner, A Koschel, V Ahlers
Innovation Through Information Systems: Volume I: A Collection of Latest …, 2021
BioGranat-IG: A network analysis tool to suggest mechanisms of genetic heterogeneity from exome sequencing data
N Dand, F Sprengel, V Ahlers, T Schlitt
Bioinformatics 29 (6), 733-741, 2013
Replicable Security Monitoring: Visualizing Time-Variant Graphs of Network Metadata
V Ahlers, F Heine, B Hellmann, C Kleiner, L Renners, T Rossow, ...
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Euler Diagrams and the …, 2014
Integrated Visualization of Network Security Metadata from Heterogeneous Data Sources
V Ahlers, F Heine, B Hellmann, C Kleiner, L Renners, T Rossow, ...
Graphical Models for Security, 18-34, 2015
Asynchronous messaging for OSGi
A Koschel, I Astrova, M Schaaf, V Ahlers, SG Grivas, A Kalja
Information Technology Interfaces (ITI), Proceedings of the ITI 2012 34th …, 2012
State of the Art in Artificial Immune-Based Intrusion Detection Systems for Smart Grids
R Pump, V Ahlers, A Koschel
2018 Second World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and …, 2018
Think Large, Act Small: An Approach to Web Services for Embedded Systems Based on the OSGi Framework
R Roelofsen, D Bosschaert, V Ahlers, A Koschel, I Astrova
Exploring Services Science, 239-253, 2010
Applying Microservice Principles to Simulation Tools
R Pump, A Koschel, V Ahlers
SERVICE COMPUTATION 2019, The Eleventh International Conference on Advanced …, 2019
A User Study of the Visualization-Assisted Evaluation and Management of Network Security Detection Events and Policies
V Ahlers, B Hellmann, GD Rodosek
2019 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and …, 2019
Integrating visual analysis of network security and management of detection system configurations
B Hellmann, V Ahlers, GD Rodosek
2017 9th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and …, 2017
Integrating Asynchronous Communication into the OSGI Service Platform.
M Schaaf, V Ahlers, A Koschel, I Astrova, A Kalja, D Bosschaert, ...
WEBIST 11, 165-168, 2011
Combining contour detection algorithms for the automatic extraction of the preparation line from a dental 3D measurement
V Ahlers, P Weigl, H Schachtzabel
Medical Imaging, 274-282, 2005
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