Joss Roßmann
Cited by
Cited by
Using instructed response items as attention checks in web surveys: Properties and implementation
T Gummer, J Roßmann, H Silber
Sociological Methods & Research 50 (1), 238-264, 2021
Explaining interview duration in web surveys: A multilevel approach
T Gummer, J Roßmann
Social Science Computer Review 33 (2), 217-234, 2015
‘Show me the money and the party!’–variation in Facebook and Twitter adoption by politicians
S Quinlan, T Gummer, J Roßmann, C Wolf
Information, communication & society 21 (8), 1031-1049, 2018
Mitigating satisficing in cognitively demanding grid questions: Evidence from two web-based experiments
J Roßmann, T Gummer, H Silber
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 6 (3), 376-400, 2018
Why Do Respondents Break Off Web Surveys and Does It Matter? Results From Four Follow-up Surveys
J Roßmann, JE Blumenstiel, M Steinbrecher
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 27 (3), 2015
Using paradata to predict and correct for panel attrition
J Roßmann, T Gummer
Social Science Computer Review 34 (3), 312-332, 2016
Effects of respondent and survey characteristics on the response quality of an open-ended attitude question in web surveys
K Schmidt, T Gummer, J Roßmann
methods, data, analyses 14 (1), 32, 2020
Does increasing mobile device coverage reduce heterogeneity in completing web surveys on smartphones?
T Gummer, F Quoß, J Roßmann
Social Science Computer Review 37 (3), 371-384, 2019
Data Quality in Web Surveys of the German Longitudinal Election Study 2009
J Roßmann
3rd ECPR Graduate Conference, 2010
The effects of question, respondent and interviewer characteristics on two types of item nonresponse
H Silber, J Roßmann, T Gummer, S Zins, KW Weyandt
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 184 …, 2021
Satisficing in Befragungen
J Roßmann
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2017
The issue of noncompliance in attention check questions: False positives in instructed response items
H Silber, J Roßmann, T Gummer
Field Methods 34 (4), 346-360, 2022
Is there a growing use of mobile devices in web surveys? Evidence from 128 web surveys in Germany
T Gummer, JK Höhne, T Rettig, J Roßmann, M Kummerow
Quality & quantity 57 (6), 5333-5353, 2023
When near means related: Evidence from three web survey experiments on inter-item correlations in grid questions
H Silber, J Roßmann, T Gummer
International Journal of Social Research Methodology 21 (3), 275-288, 2018
Zwischen Polarisierung und Beharrung: die Bundestagswahl 2017
S Roßteutscher, R Schmitt-Beck, H Schoen, B Weßels, C Wolf
Wahlen in Deutschland 3, 2019
The effects of propensity score weighting on attrition biases in attitudinal, behavioral, and socio-demographic variables in a short-term web-based panel survey
T Gummer, J Roßmann
International Journal of Social Research Methodology 22 (1), 81-95, 2019
Working with user agent strings in Stata: The PARSEUAS command
J Roßmann, T Gummer, L Kaczmirek
Journal of Statistical Software 92, 1-16, 2020
Let’s put a smile on that scale: Findings from three web survey experiments
T Gummer, V Vogel, T Kunz, J Roßmann
International Journal of Market Research 62 (1), 18-26, 2020
Learning effects in coders and their implications for managing content analyses
T Gummer, MS Blumenberg, J Roßmann
International Journal of Social Research Methodology 22 (2), 139-152, 2019
RSPEEDINDEX: Stata module to compute a response speed index and perform outlier identification
J Roßmann
Boston College Department of Economics, 2015
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Articles 1–20