Paolo Franciosa
Paolo Franciosa
prof. in Computer Science, Statistics Dept, Sapienza University Rome
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Cited by
Directed hypergraphs: Problems, algorithmic results, and a novel decremental approach
A Restivo, SR Della Rocca, L Roversi, G Ausiello, PG Franciosa, ...
Theoretical Computer Science: 7th Italian Conference, ICTCS 2001 Torino …, 2001
Efficient searching with linear constraints
PK Agarwal, L Arge, J Erickson, PG Franciosa, JS Vitter
Proceedings of the seventeenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART symposium on …, 1998
Semi-dynamic shortest paths and breadth-first search in digraphs
PG Franciosa, D Frigioni, R Giaccio
Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, 33-46, 1997
On the optimal binary plane partition for sets of isothetic rectangles
F d'Amore, PG Franciosa
Information Processing Letters 44 (5), 255-259, 1992
Enclosing many boxes by an optimal pair of boxes
B Becker, PG Franciosa, S Gschwind, T Ohler, G Thiemt, P Widmayer
STACS 92: 9th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science …, 1992
The incremental maintenance of a depth-first-search tree in directed acyclic graphs
PG Franciosa, G Gambosi, U Nanni
Information processing letters 61 (2), 113-120, 1997
Small stretch spanners on dynamic graphs
G Ausiello, P Franciosa, G Italiano
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 10 (2), 365-385, 2006
A convex hull algorithm for points with approximately known positions
PG Franciosa, C Gaibisso, G Gambosi, M Talamo
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 4 (02), 153-163, 1994
Semi-dynamic breadth-first search in digraphs
PG Franciosa, D Frigioni, R Giaccio
Theoretical Computer Science 250 (1-2), 201-217, 2001
An optimal algorithm for approximating a set of rectangles by two minimum area rectangles
B Becker, PG Franciosa, S Gschwind, T Ohler, G Thiem, P Widmayer
Computational Geometry-Methods, Algorithms and Applications: International …, 1991
Small stretch spanners on dynamic graphs
G Ausiello, PG Franciosa, GF Italiano
Algorithms–ESA 2005: 13th Annual European Symposium, Palma de Mallorca …, 2005
Max flow vitality in general and st‐planar graphs
G Ausiello, PG Franciosa, I Lari, A Ribichini
Networks 74 (1), 70-78, 2019
Enclosing a set of objects by two minimum area rectangles
B Becker, PG Franciosa, S Gschwind, S Leonardi, T Ohler, P Widmayer
Journal of Algorithms 21 (3), 520-541, 1996
A robust region approach to the computation of geometric graphs
F d’Amore, PG Franciosa, G Liotta
Algorithms—ESA’98: 6th Annual European Symposium Venice, Italy, August 24 …, 1998
Computing graph spanner in small memory: fault-tolerance and streaming
G Ausiello, PG Franciosa, GF Italiano, A Ribichini
Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 2 (4), 591-605, 2010
Maintaining maxima under boundary updates
F d'Amore, PG Franciosa, R Giaccio, M Talamo
Algorithms and Complexity: Third Italian Conference, CIAC'97 Rome, Italy …, 1997
A characterization of partial directed line graphs
N Apollonio, PG Franciosa
Discrete Mathematics 307 (21), 2598-2614, 2007
Orders, implicit k-sets representation and fast halfplane searching
PG Franciosa, M Talamo
Proc. Workshop on Orders, Algorithms and Applications (ORDAL'94), 117-127, 1994
Partially dynamic maintenance of minimum weight hyperpaths
G Ausiello, PG Franciosa, D Frigioni
Journal of Discrete Algorithms 3 (1), 27-46, 2005
Orders, k-sets and fast halfplane search on paged memory
PG Franciosa, M Talamo
International Workshop on Orders, Algorithms, and Applications, 117-127, 1994
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Articles 1–20