Florian Schäfer
Florian Schäfer
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Effect of a dislocation pile-up at the neutral axis on trans-crystalline crack growth for micro-bending fatigue
CM Lena Eisenhut, Florian Schaefer, Patrick Gruenewald, Laura Weiter ...
International Journal Of Fatigue, 131-139, 2017
In-situ and ex-situ microtensile testing of individual struts of Al foams and Ni/Al hybrid foams
A Jung, J Luksch, S Diebels, F Schäfer, C Motz
Materials & Design 153, 104-119, 2018
Crack initiation at twin boundaries due to slip system mismatch
AF Knorr, M Marx, F Schaefer
Scripta Materialia 94, 48-51, 2015
Quantifying the grain boundary resistance against slip transfer by experimental combination of geometric and stress approach using stage-I-fatigue cracks
F Schäfer, L Weiter, M Marx, C Motz
Philosophical Magazine 96 (32-34), 3524-3551, 2016
Plasticity induced by nanoindentation in a CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy studied by accurate electron channeling contrast imaging revealing dislocation-low angle grain boundary …
F Habiyaremye, A Guitton, F Schäfer, F Scholz, M Schneider, J Frenzel, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 817, 141364, 2021
In situ synchrotron stress mappings to characterize overload effects in fatigue crack growth
M Thielen, F Schaefer, P Gruenewald, M Laub, M Marx, M Meixner, ...
International Journal of Fatigue 121, 155-162, 2019
Magnetic phases in superconducting, polycrystalline bulk FeSe samples
EH Quentin Nouailhetas,Anjela Koblischka-Veneva, Michael R. Koblischka,Pavan ...
AIP Advances 11 (1), 2021
Disentangling structural and kinetic components of the α-relaxation in supercooled metallic liquids
N Neuber, O Gross, M Frey, B Bochtler, A Kuball, S Hechler, F Yang, ...
Communications Physics 5 (1), 316, 2022
Assessing the intergranular crack initiation probability of a grain boundary distribution by an experimental misalignment study of adjacent slip systems
F Schäfer, EPW Lang, M Bick, AF Knorr, M Marx, C Motz
Procedia Structural Integrity 5, 547-554, 2017
Fatigue crack growth in micro specimens as a tool to measure crack–microstructure interactions
P Grünewald, J Rauber, M Marx, C Motz, F Schaefer
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 43 (12), 3037-3049, 2020
Acquiring in situ fatigue crack growth curves by a compliance method for micro bending beams to reveal the interaction of fatigue cracks with grain boundaries
P Gruenewald, J Rauber, M Marx, C Motz, F Schäfer
Procedia Structural Integrity 17, 13-20, 2019
Small scale fracture mechanics of ductile materials: Advantage of fatigue precracks and comparison of J-integral evaluations
P Gruenewald, F Schaefer, M Thielen, M Marx, C Motz
Materialia 4, 104-108, 2018
Stage-I fatigue crack studies in order to validate the dislocation-free zone model of fracture for bulk materials
F Schäfer, M Marx, AF Knorr, H Vehoff
Philosophical Magazine 95 (8), 819-843, 2015
Wear Induced Sub-surface Deformation Characteristics of a 26 Wt% Cr White Cast Iron Subjected to a Destabilization Heat Treatment
UP Nayak, F Schäfer, F Mücklich, MA Guitar
Tribology Letters 71 (1), 9, 2023
Obtaining a lower estimate of the fatigue limit of metals by a simplified quantitative thermometric approach in a low-cost one-specimen test
F Schaefer, J Rosar, H Wu, P Starke, M Marx
International Journal of Fatigue 159, 106729, 2022
The Role of Native Oxides on the Corrosion Mechanism of Laves Phases in Mg–Al–Ca Composites
M Felten, J Nowak, P Grünewald, F Schäfer, C Motz, D Zander
Magnesium 2021: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on …, 2021
Analysis of mechanisms affecting the tool in pulsed electrochemical machining
M Ghasemiansafaei, F Schaefer, T Hall, D Baehre
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 170 (6), 063504, 2023
Ni/al-hybrid cellular foams: an interface study by combination of 3d-phase morphology imaging, microbeam fracture mechanics and in situ synchrotron stress analysis
J Luksch, A Jung, C Pauly, R Derr, P Gruenewald, M Laub, M Klaus, ...
Materials 14 (13), 3473, 2021
How Hydrogen Affects the Formation and Evolution of Persistent Slip Bands in High‐Purity α‐Iron
F Schaefer, S Geyer, C Motz
Advanced Engineering Materials, 2201932, 0
Bridging macro to micro-scale fatigue crack growth by advanced fracture mechanical testing on the meso-scale
J Luksch, A Lambai, G Mohanty, F Schaefer, C Motz
Materials Science and Engineering: A 884, 145452, 2023
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Articles 1–20