Régine Kolinsky
Régine Kolinsky
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How learning to read changes the cortical networks for vision and language
S Dehaene, F Pegado, LW Braga, P Ventura, GN Filho, A Jobert, ...
science 330 (6009), 1359-1364, 2010
Illiterate to literate: behavioural and cerebral changes induced by reading acquisition
S Dehaene, L Cohen, J Morais, R Kolinsky
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 16 (4), 234-244, 2015
Songs as an aid for language acquisition
D Schön, M Boyer, S Moreno, M Besson, I Peretz, R Kolinsky
Cognition 106 (2), 975-983, 2008
Functional dissociations following bilateral lesions of auditory cortex
I Peretz, R Kolinsky, M Tramo, R Labrecque, C Hublet, G Demeurisse, ...
Brain 117 (6), 1283-1301, 1994
Spatial associations for musical stimuli: A piano in the head?
P Lidji, R Kolinsky, A Lochy, J Morais
Journal of Experimental Psychology: human perception and performance 33 (5 …, 2007
Boundaries of separability between melody and rhythm in music discrimination: A neuropsychological perspective
I Peretz, R Kolinsky
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 46 (2), 301-325, 1993
Phonetic segmentation in prereaders: Effect of corrective information
A Content, R Kolinsky, J Morais, P Bertelson
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 42 (1), 49-72, 1986
The locus of the orthographic consistency effect in auditory word recognition
P Ventura, J Morais, C Pattamadilok, R Kolinsky
Language and Cognitive processes 19 (1), 57-95, 2004
Timing the impact of literacy on visual processing
F Pegado, E Comerlato, F Ventura, A Jobert, K Nakamura, M Buiatti, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (49), E5233-E5242, 2014
Perception and awareness in phonological processing: The case of the phoneme
J Morais, R Kolinsky
Cognition 50 (1-3), 287-297, 1994
Literacy breaks mirror invariance for visual stimuli: a behavioral study with adult illiterates.
F Pegado, K Nakamura, LW Braga, P Ventura, G Nunes Filho, C Pallier, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143 (2), 887, 2014
Does learning to read shape verbal working memory?
C Demoulin, R Kolinsky
Psychonomic bulletin & review 23, 703-722, 2016
Enantiomorphy through the looking glass: literacy effects on mirror-image discrimination.
R Kolinsky, A Verhaeghe, T Fernandes, EJ Mengarda, L Grimm-Cabral, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 140 (2), 210, 2011
Entre a pré-leitura e a leitura hábil: Condições e patamares da aprendizagem
J Morais, I Leite, R Kolinsky
Alfabetização no século XXI: Como se aprende a ler e a escrever, 17-48, 2013
Categorical perception of speech sounds in illiterate adults
W Serniclaes, P Ventura, J Morais, R Kolinsky
Cognition 98 (2), B35-B44, 2005
Attention-dependent changes of activation and connectivity in dichotic listening
B Lipschutz, R Kolinsky, P Damhaut, D Wikler, S Goldman
Neuroimage 17 (2), 643-656, 2002
Awareness of words as phonological entities: The role of literacy
R Kolinsky, L Cary, J Morais
Applied Psycholinguistics 8 (3), 223-232, 1987
The locus of the orthographic consistency effect in auditory word recognition: Further evidence from French
C Pattamadilok, J Morais, P Ventura, R Kolinsky
Language and Cognitive Processes 22 (5), 700-726, 2007
Is there a critical period for the acquisition of segmental analysis?
J Morais, A Content, P Bertelson, L Cary, R Kolinsky
Cognitive Neuropsychology 5 (3), 347-352, 1988
The development of the orthographic consistency effect in speech recognition: From sublexical to lexical involvement
P Ventura, J Morais, R Kolinsky
Cognition 105 (3), 547-576, 2007
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Articles 1–20