Gangfeng Ma
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Cited by
Shock-capturing non-hydrostatic model for fully dispersive surface wave processes
G Ma, F Shi, JT Kirby
Ocean Modelling 43 (44), 22-35, 2012
Did a submarine landslide contribute to the 2011 Tohoku tsunami?
DR Tappin, ST Grilli, JC Harris, RJ Geller, T Masterlark, JT Kirby, F Shi, ...
Marine Geology, 2014
Numerical study of turbulence and wave damping induced by vegetation canopies
G Ma, JT Kirby, SF Su, J Figlus, F Shi
Coastal Engineering 80, 68-78, 2013
Numerical simulation of tsunami waves generated by deformable submarine landslides
G Ma, JT Kirby, F Shi
Ocean Modelling 69, 146-165, 2013
A two-layer granular landslide model for tsunami wave generation: Theory and computation
G Ma, JT Kirby, TJ Hsu, F Shi
Ocean Modelling 93, 40-55, 2015
Modeling coastal tsunami hazard from submarine mass failures: effect of slide rheology, experimental validation, and case studies off the US East Coast
ST Grilli, M Shelby, O Kimmoun, G Dupont, D Nicolsky, G Ma, JT Kirby, ...
Natural hazards 86, 353-391, 2017
The reduction of storm surge by vegetation canopies: Three‐dimensional simulations
YP Sheng, A Lapetina, G Ma
Geophysical research letters 39 (20), 2012
A multi-layer perceptron approach for accelerated wave forecasting in Lake Michigan
X Feng, G Ma, SF Su, C Huang, MK Boswell, P Xue
Ocean Engineering 211, 107526, 2020
A polydisperse two‐fluid model for surf zone bubble simulation
G Ma, F Shi, JT Kirby
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 116 (C5), 2011
Modeling of SMF tsunami hazard along the upper US East Coast: detailed impact around Ocean City, MD
ST Grilli, C O’Reilly, JC Harris, TT Bakhsh, B Tehranirad, S Banihashemi, ...
Natural Hazards 76, 705-746, 2015
Numerical simulation of infragravity waves in fringing reefs using a shock-capturing non-hydrostatic model
G Ma, SF Su, S Liu, JC Chu
Ocean Engineering 85, 54-64, 2014
Boussinesq modeling of spatial variability of infragravity waves on fringing reefs
SF Su, G Ma, TW Hsu
Ocean Engineering 101, 78-92, 2015
Modeling quiescent phase transport of air bubbles induced by breaking waves
F Shi, JT Kirby, G Ma
Ocean Modelling 35 (1-2), 105-117, 2010
Hydrodynamic modeling of Changjiang Estuary: Model skill assessment and large-scale structure impacts
G Ma, F Shi, S Liu, D Qi
Applied Ocean Research 33 (1), 69-78, 2011
Modeling wave attenuation induced by the vertical density variations of vegetation
WC Wu, G Ma, DT Cox
Coastal Engineering 112, 17-27, 2016
Non-hydrostatic modeling of wave interactions with porous structures
G Ma, F Shi, SC Hsiao, YT Wu
Coastal Engineering 91, 84-98, 2014
Laboratory study of the effect of vertically varying vegetation density on waves, currents and wave-current interactions
S Lou, M Chen, G Ma, S Liu, G Zhong
Applied Ocean Research 79, 74-87, 2018
Velocity and turbulence affected by submerged rigid vegetation under waves, currents and combined wave–current flows
M Chen, S Lou, S Liu, G Ma, H Liu, G Zhong, H Zhang
Coastal Engineering 159, 103727, 2020
Wave breaking in the surf zone and deep-water in a non-hydrostatic RANS model. Part 1: Organized wave motions
M Derakhti, JT Kirby, F Shi, G Ma
Ocean Modelling 107, 125-138, 2016
Extreme value analysis of wave climate in Chesapeake Bay
A Niroomandi, G Ma, X Ye, S Lou, P Xue
Ocean Engineering 159, 22-36, 2018
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Articles 1–20