Sönke Pelzer
Sönke Pelzer
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Virtual reality for architectural acoustics
M Vorländer, D Schröder, S Pelzer, F Wefers
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 8 (1), 15-25, 2015
Objective and perceptual assessment of the scattered sound field in a simulated concert hall
L Shtrepi, A Astolfi, S Pelzer, R Vitale, M Rychtáriková
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138 (3), 1485-1497, 2015
Integrating real-time room acoustics simulation into a cad modeling software to enhance the architectural design process
S Pelzer, L Aspöck, D Schröder, M Vorländer
Buildings 4 (2), 113-138, 2014
Virtual reality system at RWTH Aachen University
D Schröder, F Wefers, S Pelzer, D Rausch, M Vorländer, T Kuhlen
Proceedings of the international symposium on room acoustics (ISRA …, 2010
Quality assessment of room acoustic simulation tools by comparing binaural measurements and simulations in an optimized test scenario
S Pelzer, M Aretz, M Vorländer
Proc. Forum Acusticum Aalborg, 2011
Interactive real-time simulation and auralization for modifiable rooms
S Pelzer, L Aspöck, D Schröder, M Vorländer
Building Acoustics 21 (1), 65-73, 2014
Frequency-and time-dependent geometry for real-time auralizations
S Pelzer, M Vorländer
Proceedings of 20th International Congress on Acoustics, ICA 1 (7), 2010
A real-time auralization plugin for architectural design and education
L Aspöck, S Pelzer, F Wefers, M Vorländer
10.14279/depositonce-4103, 2014
Auralization of a virtual orchestra using directivities of measured symphonic instruments
S Pelzer, M Pollow, M Vorländer
Acoustics 2012, 2012
Inversion of a room acoustics model for the determination of acoustical surface properties in enclosed spaces
S Pelzer, M Vorländer
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 19 (1), 2013
Interactive acoustic virtual environments using distributed room acoustic simulations
F Wefers, J Stienen, S Pelzer, M Vorländer
10.14279/depositonce-4103, 2014
Room modeling for acoustic simulation and auralization tasks: Resolution of structural detail
S Pelzer, M Vorländer, HJ Maempel
Proceedings of the German Annual Conference on Acoustics, DAGA, 15-18, 2010
3D reproduction of room auralizations by combining intensity panning, crosstalk cancellation and Ambisonics
S Pelzer, B Masiero, M Vorländer
10.14279/depositonce-4103, 2014
Virtual restoration of the sound of the Hispanic Rite
A Pedrero González, A Díaz Chyla, C Díaz Sanchidrián, S Pelzer, ...
European Acoustics Association, 2014
3D reproduction of room acoustics using a hybrid system of combined crosstalk cancellation and ambisonics playback
S Pelzer, B Masiero, M Vorländer
Proceedings of ICSA, 297, 2011
Through the hourglass: A faithful audiovisual reconstruction of the old montreux casino
D Schröder, S Pelzer, M Vetterli, M Vorländer
Acoustics Australia 43, 49-57, 2015
Audiotechnik des aixcave virtual reality-systems
F Wefers, S Pelzer, R Bomhardt, M Müller-Trapet, M Vorländer
Fortschritte der Akustik–DAGA, 467-470, 2015
Virtual room acoustics
M Vorländer, S Pelzer, F Wefers
Sound-Perception-Performance, 219-242, 2013
Auralization of electrical machines in variable operating conditions
M Van der Giet, J Blum, P Dietrich, S Pelzer, M Müller-Trapet, M Pollow, ...
2011 IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC), 1462-1467, 2011
The number of necessary rays in geometrically based simulations using the diffuse rain technique
S Pelzer, D Schröder, M Vorländer
Proceedings of DAGA, 2011
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