Artem Chakirov
Artem Chakirov
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Valuation of sitting and standing in metro trains using revealed preferences
A Tirachini, L Sun, A Erath, A Chakirov
Transport Policy 47, 94-104, 2016
Enriched sioux falls scenario with dynamic and disaggregate demand
A Chakirov, PJ Fourie
Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs-und Raumplanung 978, 2014
Activity identification and primary location modelling based on smart card payment data for public transport
A Chakirov, A Erath
13th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR 2012), 2012
Use of public transport smart card fare payment data for travel behaviour analysis in Singapore
A Chakirov, A Erath
Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs-und Raumplanung 729, 2011
Large-scale agent-based transport demand model for Singapore
A Erath, PJ Fourie, MAB van Eggermond, SA Ordonez Medina, ...
Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs-und Raumplanung 790, 2012
Using smartcard data for agent-based transport simulation
PJ Fourie, A Erath, SA Ordonez, A Charikov, A KW
Public transport planning with smart card data, 133-160, 2016
Large-scale agent-based transport travel demand model for Singapore
A Erath, PJ Fourie, MAB van Eggermond, SA Ordoñez Medina, ...
13th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR 2012), 2012
Urban mobility pricing with heterogeneous users
A Chakirov
ETH Zurich, 2016
A large-scale agent-based transport travel demand model for Singapore: The implementation of MATSim
AL Erath, A Chakirov, PJ Fourie, SAO Medina, M Shah, ...
Working Paper, Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC), Singapore, 2012
Activity identification and primary location modelling based on smart card payment data for public transport. Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, IVT
A Chakirov, A Erath
Institute for Transport Planning and Systems, Zurich, Switzerland, 2012
Sioux Falls
A Chakirov
The Multi-Agent Transport Simulation MATSim, 385-388, 2016
Enriched sioux falls scenario with dynamic demand
A Chakirov, P Fourie
MATSim User Meeting. Springer, 15-34, 2013
Decision support tools in transport planning: from research to practice
A Erath, MAB van Eggermond, PJ Fourie, A Chakirov
13th Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, 2013
Overcoming challenges in road pricing design with an agent-based transport simulation
A Chakirov, A Erath
Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs-und Raumplanung 766, 2012
Towards optimal pricing in a multi-modal context with dynamic demand: An agent-based simulation approach
A Chakirov
Heterogeneous values of time in a multi-modal context: An activity and agent-based simulation approach
A Chakirov
14th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research (IATBR 2015), 2015
Using smart card data as an Input for large scale agent-based transport simulation: The case of Singapore
A Erath, PJ Fourie, SA Ordóñez Medina, A Chakirov
1st International workshop on utilizing transit smart card data for service …, 2014
Using smart card data for agent-based transport simulation: the case of Singapore
AL Erath, PJ Fourie, SA Ordóñez Medina, A Chakirov
Korea Institute of ITS International Conference, 2014
Putting a price on travel
A Chakirov, A Erath
Today, 16-19, 2013
Using public transport smart card data for large-scale, agent-based transport demand simulation using MATSim: the case of Singapore
A Erath, SA Ordóñez Medina, A Chakirov, PJ Fourie
LTA-UITP Singapore International Transport Congress and Exhibition (SITCE 2013), 2013
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