khadijeh sadatnejad
khadijeh sadatnejad
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Cited by
An efficient classifier to diagnose of schizophrenia based on the EEG signals
R Boostani, K Sadatnezhad, M Sabeti
Expert Systems with Applications 36 (3), 6492-6499, 2009
Classification of BMD and ADHD patients using their EEG signals
K Sadatnezhad, R Boostani, A Ghanizadeh
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (3), 1956-1963, 2011
Classification of ADHD and BMD patients using visual evoked potential
AD Nazhvani, R Boostani, S Afrasiabi, K Sadatnezhad
Clinical neurology and neurosurgery 115 (11), 2329-2335, 2013
Dimensionality reduction based on Distance Preservation to Local Mean (DPLM) for SPD matrices and its application in BCI
A Davoudi, SS Ghidary, K Sadatnejad
Journal of neural Engineering, 2017
Long-term BCI training of a tetraplegic user: adaptive riemannian classifiers and user training
C Benaroch, K Sadatnejad, A Roc, A Appriou, T Monseigne, S Pramij, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15, 635653, 2021
Kernel learning over the manifold of symmetric positive definite matrices for dimensionality reduction in a BCI application
K Sadatnejad, SS Ghidary
Neurocomputing 179, 152-160, 2016
An efficient piecewise linear model for predicting activity of caspase-3 inhibitors
L Firoozpour, K Sadatnezhad, S Dehghani, E Pourbasheer, A Foroumadi, ...
DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 20, 1-6, 2012
Proposing an adaptive mutation to improve XCSF performance to classify ADHD and BMD patients
K Sadatnezhad, R Boostani, A Ghanizadeh
Journal of neural engineering 7 (6), 066006, 2010
Detecting EEG outliers for BCI on the riemannian manifold using spectral clustering
MS Yamamoto, K Sadatnejad, T Tanaka, R Islam, Y Tanaka, F Lotte
2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2020
Channel selection over Riemannian manifold with non-stationarity consideration for brain-computer interface applications
K Sadatnejad, A Roc, L Pillette, T Monseigne, F Lotte
ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2020
Riemannian channel selection for BCI with between-session non-stationarity reduction capabilities
K Sadatnejad, F Lotte
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 2022
EEG representation using multi-instance framework on the manifold of symmetric positive definite matrices
K Sadatnejad, M Rahmati, R Rostami, R Kazemi, SS Ghidary, A Müller, ...
Journal of Neural Engineering 16 (3), 036016, 2019
Modeling complex EEG data distribution on the Riemannian manifold toward outlier detection and multimodal classification
MS Yamamoto, K Sadatnejad, T Tanaka, MR Islam, F Dehais, Y Tanaka, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2023
Inria research & development for the Cybathlon BCI series
F Lotte, M Clerc, A Appriou, A Audino, C Benaroch, P Giacalone, C Jeunet, ...
8th Graz Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2019, 2019
EEG Representation Using Multi-instance Framework on The Manifold of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices for EEG-based Computer Aided Diagnosis
K Sadatnejad, SS Ghidary, R Rostami, R Kazemi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.02655, 2017
Reliable outlier detection by Spectral clustering on Riemannian manifold of covariance matrix
MS Yamamoto, K Sadatnejad, MR Islam, T Tanaka, F Lotte
BCI meeting 2021, 2021
Assessing a new form of BCI user learning
K Sadatnejad, F Lotte
BCI meeting 2021, 2021
Adaptive spectrum transformation by topology preservation on indefinite proximity data
K Sadatnejad, S Shiry Ghidary
Pattern Recognition Letters, 2017
HAL Id: hal-03518488
K Sadatnejad, F Lotte
HAL Id: hal-03518488 https://inria. hal. science/hal-03518488
K Sadatnejad, F Lotte
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Articles 1–20