Peter Maurer
Peter Maurer
Senior Lecturer in Media and Communication, Karlstad University
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Partisan alignments and political polarization online: A computational approach to understanding the French and US presidential elections
A Hanna, C Wells, P Maurer, L Friedland, D Shah, J Matthes
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Politics, Elections and Data, 15-22, 2013
Coproduction or cooptation? Real-time spin and social media response during the 2012 French and US presidential debates
C Wells, J Van Thomme, P Maurer, A Hanna, J Pevehouse, DV Shah, ...
French politics 14, 206-233, 2016
What kind of populism? Tone and targets in the Twitter discourse of French and American presidential candidates
P Maurer, T Diehl
European Journal of Communication 35 (5), 453-468, 2020
News Coverage of Politics and Conflict Levels: A cross-national study of journalists' and politicians' perceptions of two elements of mediatization
P Maurer, B Pfetsch
Journalism Studies 15 (3), 339-355, 2014
Networking and political alignment as strategies to control the news: Interaction between journalists and politicians
P Maurer, M Beiler
Journalism Studies 19 (14), 2024-2041, 2018
Consequences of politicians’ perceptions of the news media: A hostile media phenomenon approach
J Matthes, P Maurer, F Arendt
Journalism Studies 20 (3), 345-363, 2019
Beat journalism and reporting
M Magin, P Maurer
Oxford research encyclopedia of communication, 2019
Explaining perceived media influence in politics
P Maurer
Publizistik 1 (56), 27-50, 2011
Mediensysteme und politische Kommunikationsmilieus im internationalen Vergleich: Theoretische Überlegungen zur Untersuchung ihres Zusammenhangs
B Pfetsch, P Maurer
Medien & Kommunikations-forschung im Vergleich: Grundlagen …, 2008
In the grip of politics? How political journalists in France and Germany perceive political influence on their work
P Maurer
Journalism 20 (9), 1242-1259, 2019
Explaining perceived media influence in politics: An analysis of the interplay of context and attitudes in four European democracies (Aufsatz)
P Maurer
Publizistik 56 (1), 27-50, 2011
Towards new standards? Interaction patterns of German political journalists in the Twittersphere
NF Schumacher, P Maurer, C Nuernbergk
The International Journal of Press/Politics 28 (1), 257-277, 2023
Journalistic role performance in times of COVID
DC Hallin, C Mellado, A Cohen, N Hubé, D Nolan, G Szabó, Y Abuali, ...
Journalism Studies 24 (16), 1977-1998, 2023
Reaching out to the Europeans. Political parties’ Facebook strategies of issue ownership and the second-order character of European Election campaigns
J Haßler, M Magin, U Russmann, P Baranowski, M Bene, K Schlosser, ...
Europawahlkampf 2019: Zur Rolle der Medien, 87-113, 2020
Why bite the hand that feeds you? Politicians’ and journalists’ perceptions of common conflicts
P Maurer, A Riedl
Journalism 22 (11), 2855-2872, 2021
Methods and Challenges of Comparative Surveys of Political Communication Elites
P Maurer, M Vähämaa
Political Communication Cultures in Europe: Attitudes of Political Actors …, 2014
Contexts of the media-politics relationship: Country selection and grouping
B Pfetsch, P Maurer, E Mayerhöffer, T Moring, SS Cammarano
Political communication cultures in Europe: Attitudes of political actors …, 2014
Von der Medien-zur Netzpolitik? Eine Analyse des Leistungsschutzrechts für Presseverlage in Deutschland
SA Ganter, P Maurer
42032 1, 259-281, 2015
A hedge between keeps friendship green—Concurrence and conflict between politicians and journalists in nine European democracies
B Pfetsch, P Maurer, E Mayerhöffer, T Moring
Comparing political communication across time and space: New studies in an …, 2014
Einflussfaktoren auf die Handlungsautonomie der Medien im politischen Prozess westlicher Demokratien—Eine theoretische Analyse
P Maurer
Massenmedien als politische Akteure: Konzepte und Analysen, 73-91, 2008
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