Germán Ceballos
Cited by
Cited by
Formalizing data locality in task parallel applications
G Ceballos, E Hagersten, D Black-Schaffer
International conference on algorithms and architectures for parallel …, 2016
Behind the scenes: Memory analysis of graphical workloads on tile-based GPUs
G Ceballos, A Sembrant, TE Carlson, D Black-Schaffer
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and …, 2018
Taskinsight: Understanding task schedules effects on memory and performance
G Ceballos, T Grass, A Hugo, D Black-Schaffer
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Programming Models and …, 2017
Analyzing performance variation of task schedulers with TaskInsight
G Ceballos, T Grass, A Hugo, D Black-Schaffer
Parallel Computing 75, 11-27, 2018
Sampled simulation of task-based programs
T Grass, TE Carlson, A Rico, G Ceballos, E Ayguade, M Casas, M Moreto
IEEE Transactions on Computers 68 (2), 255-269, 2018
Stattask: Reuse distance analysis for task-based applications
G Ceballos, E Hagersten, D Black-Schaffer
Proceedings of the 2015 Workshop on Rapid Simulation and Performance …, 2015
Analyzing graphics workloads on tile-based GPUs
G Ceballos, A Sembrant, TE Carlson, D Black-Schaffer
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), 108-109, 2017
Exploring scheduling effects on task performance with TaskInsight
G Ceballos, A Hugo, E Hagersten, D Black-Schaffer
Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations 4 (3), 91-98, 2017
Modeling the interactions between tasks and the memory system
G Ceballos
Uppsala University, 2017
Shared resource sensitivity in task-based runtime systems
G Ceballos, D Black-Schaffer
MCC13, November 25–26, Halmstad, Sweden, 2013
Understanding the interplay between task scheduling, memory and performance
G Ceballos, E Hagersten, D Black-Schaffer
Proceedings Companion of the 2017 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on …, 2017
How to make tasks faster: revealing the complex interactions of tasks in the memory system
G Ceballos
Proceedings Companion of the 2017 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on …, 2017
Characterizing Task Scheduling Performance Based on Data Reuse
G Ceballos, T Grass, D Black-Schaffer, A Hugo
MCC16, November 29–30, Trondheim, Norway, 2016
Spatial and Temporal Cache Sharing Analysis in Tasks
G Ceballos, D Black-Schaffer
NESUS PhD Symposium on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems, 2016
Algoritmos de Refinamiento Adaptativo de Mallas con Aceleración GPU para Simulaciones Fısicas de Gran Escala
G Ceballos, O Reula, C Bederián
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Articles 1–15