Ian Butterworth
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Cited by
Detection of Motor Impairment in Parkinson’s Disease via Mobile Touchscreen Typing
LG Teresa Arroyo-Gallego, Marıa J. Ledesma-Carbayo, Alvaro Sanchez-Ferro ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2017
Computer keyboard interaction as an indicator of early Parkinson’s disease
L Giancardo, A Sanchez-Ferro, T Arroyo-Gallego, I Butterworth, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 34468, 2016
Detecting motor impairment in early Parkinson’s disease via natural typing interaction with keyboards: validation of the neuroQWERTY approach in an uncontrolled at-home setting
T Arroyo-Gallego, MJ Ledesma-Carbayo, I Butterworth, M Matarazzo, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 20 (3), e89, 2018
Psychomotor impairment detection via finger interactions with a computer keyboard during natural typing
L Giancardo, A Sánchez-Ferro, I Butterworth, CS Mendoza, JM Hooker
Scientific reports 5 (1), 9678, 2015
Remote monitoring of treatment response in Parkinson's disease: the habit of typing on a computer
M Matarazzo, T Arroyo‐Gallego, P Montero, V Puertas‐Martín, ...
Movement Disorders 34 (10), 1488-1495, 2019
Minimal Clinically Important Difference for UPDRS‐III in Daily Practice
Á Sánchez‐Ferro, M Matarazzo, P Martínez‐Martín, JC Martínez‐Ávila, ...
Movement Disorders Clinical Practice, 2018
Visualization of blood cell contrast in nailfold capillaries with high-speed reverse lens mobile phone microscopy
GN McKay, N Mohan, I Butterworth, A Bourquard, Á Sánchez-Ferro, ...
Biomedical optics express 11 (4), 2268-2276, 2020
Non-invasive detection of severe neutropenia in chemotherapy patients by optical imaging of nailfold microcirculation
A Bourquard, A Pablo-Trinidad, I Butterworth, Á Sánchez-Ferro, C Cerrato, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 5301, 2018
Metasurface matching layers for enhanced electric field penetration into the human body
S Genovesi, IR Butterworth, JEC Serrallés, L Daniel
IEEE Access 8, 197745-197756, 2020
Exploiting thermochromic materials for the rapid quality assurance of physiotherapy ultrasound treatment heads
I Butterworth, J Barrie, B Zeqiri, G Žauhar, B Parisot
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 38 (5), 767-776, 2012
A wearable physiological hydration monitoring wristband through multi-path non-contact dielectric spectroscopy in the microwave range
I Butterworth, J Serallés, CS Mendoza, L Giancardo, L Daniel
2015 IEEE MTT-S 2015 International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and …, 2015
Analysis of white blood cell dynamics in nailfold capillaries
A Bourquard, I Butterworth, A Sánchez-Ferro, L Giancardo, L Soenksen, ...
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
Apparatus and method for motor function characterization
L Giancardo, AS Ferro, I Butterworth, CS Mendoza
US Patent 9,867,573, 2018
Realtime acousto-optical QA methods for high intensity fields
I Butterworth, A Shaw
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Symposium of the Ultrasonic Industry …, 2010
Automated detection of neutropenia using non‐invasive video microscopy of superficial capillaries
A Pablo‐Trinidad, I Butterworth, MJ Ledesma‐Carbayo, T Vettenburg, ...
American Journal of Hematology, 0
Quantification of very low concentrations of leukocyte suspensions in vitro by high-frequency ultrasound
X Jimenez, SK Shukla, I Ortega, FJ Illana, C Castro-González, ...
Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 42 (7), 1568-1573, 2016
Towards a reference cavitating vessel Part III—design and acoustic pressure characterization of a multi-frequency sonoreactor
L Wang, G Memoli, M Hodnett, I Butterworth, D Sarno, B Zeqiri
Metrologia 52 (4), 575, 2015
Characterisation of a multi-frequency cavitation vessel
L Wang, G Memoli, I Butterworth, M Hodnett, B Zeqiri
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 42 (1), 012013, 2012
Systems, apparatus, and methods for analyzing blood cell dynamics
C Castro-gonzalez, I Butterworth, A Bourquard, A Sanchez-ferro
US Patent 9,984,277, 2018
Systems, devices and methods for non-invasive hematological measurements
C Castro-gonzalez, I Butterworth, A Bourquard, A Sanchez-ferro, ...
US Patent 11,244,452, 2022
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Articles 1–20