Seweryn Lipiński
Cited by
Cited by
Precision of tractor operations with soil cultivation implements using manual and automatic steering modes
AJ Lipiński, P Markowski, S Lipiński, P Pyra
Biosystems Engineering 145, 22-28, 2016
The Path Tracking Method as an alternative for tortuosity determination in granular beds
W Sobieski, M Matyka, J Gołembiewski, S Lipiński
Granular Matter 20 (4), 72, 2018
The analysis of the relations between porosity and tortuosity in granular beds
W Sobieski, S Lipiński
Technical Sciences 20 (1), 75-85, 2017
Utilization of post-production waste from fruit processing for energetic purposes: analysis of Polish potential and case study
AJ Lipiński, S Lipiński, P Kowalkowski
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 20 (3), 1878–1883, 2018
Evaluation of regenerative processes in the pig model of intervertebral disc degeneration after transplantation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells
M Barczewska, K Jezierska-Wozniak, A Habich, S Lipinski, P Holak, ...
Folia Neuropathologica 56 (2), 124-132, 2018
Binarizing water sensitive papers – how to assess the coverage area properly?
AJ Lipiński, S Lipiński
Crop Protection 127, 104949, 2020
Verification of CFD tool for simulation of cavitating flows in hydraulic systems
A Niedźwiedzka, S Lipiński, S Kornet
Journal of Hydroinformatics 19 (5), 653-665, 2017
Przegląd systemów stabilizacji belek polowych opryskiwaczy
AJ Lipiński, SM Sobotka, S Lipiński
Inżynieria Rolnicza 15 (8), 181-187, 2011
Granularne ośrodki porowate
W Sobieski, S Lipiński, W Dudda, A Trykozko, M Marek, J Wiącek, ...
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, 2016
Measurement and analysis of the water hammer in ram pump
W Sobieski, D Grygo, S Lipiński
Sādhanā 41 (11), 1333-1347, 2016
Influence of the instability of the field crop sprayer boom on the spraying uniformity
AJ Lipiński, S Lipiński, P Burg, SM Sobotka
Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 10, 100432, 2022
PathFinder User's Guide
W Sobieski, S Lipiński, 2014
Valuation of usefulness of Kalman filtration to improve noise properties of DSC-MRI brain research data
R Kalicka, S Lipiński
Measurement Automation Monitoring 54 (3), 118-121, 2008
Migration of human mesenchymal stem cells stimulated with pulsed electric field and the dynamics of the cell surface glycosylation
K Jezierska-Woźniak, S Lipiński, M Huflejt, Ł Grabarczyk, M Barczewska, ...
Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine 27 (9), 1181-1193, 2018
A new approach for obtaining the geometric properties of a granular porous bed based on DEM simulations
W Sobieski, W Dudda, S Lipiński
Technical Sciences 19 (2), 165-187, 2016
A fast method of separation of the noisy background from the head-cross section in the sequence of MRI scans
R Kalicka, S Lipiński
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 30 (2), 15-27, 2010
Minimally Invasive Intradiscal Delivery of BM-MSCs via Fibrous Microscaffold Carriers
P Nakielski, D Rybak, K Jezierska-Woźniak, C Rinoldi, E Sinderewicz, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15 (50), 58103–58118, 2023
Automatyczna ocena jakości oprysku na podstawie śladów kropel przy użyciu komputerowej analizy obrazu
AJ Lipiński, S Lipiński
Inżynieria Rolnicza 13 (5), 163-168, 2009
Efficiency of new method of removing the noisy background from the sequence of MRI scans depending on structuring elements used to morphological processing
R Kalicka, S Lipiński, A Pietrenko-Dąbrowska
1st International Conference on Information Technology, 459-462, 2008
The influence of particle size distribution on parameters characterizing the spatial structure of porous beds
W Sobieski, S Lipiński
Granular Matter 21 (2), 14, 2019
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Articles 1–20