Han Xu
Cited by
Cited by
Anxiety-like behavior and dysregulation of miR-34a in triple transgenic mice of Alzheimer’s disease
YL Zhang, RZ Xing, XB Luo, H Xu, RCC Chang, LY Zou, JJ Liu, XF Yang
European review for medical and pharmacological sciences 20 (13), 2853-2862, 2016
Using heterogeneous features for scientific citation classification
H Xu, E Martin, A Mahidadia
Proceedings of the 13th conference of the Pacific Association for …, 2013
Contents and time sensitive document ranking of scientific literature
H Xu, E Martin, A Mahidadia
Journal of Informetrics 8 (3), 546-561, 2014
KneeHapp: a bandage for rehabilitation of knee injuries
J Haladjian, Z Hodaie, H Xu, M Yigin, B Bruegge, M Fink, J Hoeher
Adjunct Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on …, 2015
RDRCE: combining machine learning and knowledge acquisition
H Xu, A Hoffmann
Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, 165-179, 2010
Extractive Summarisation Based on Keyword Profile and Language Model
H Xu, E Martin, A Mahidadia
Paper XI (iv) The effect of dynamic deformation on dynamic properties and stability of cylindrical journal bearings
Z Zhang, Q Mao, H Xu
Tribology Series 11, 363-366, 1987
Exploiting Paper Contents and Citation Links to Identify and Characterise Specialisations
H Xu, E Martin, A Mahidadia
2014 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshop, 613-620, 2014
Aerosol optical depth retrieval in the Arctic region using MODIS based on prior knowledge
X He, H Xu, Y Li, L Yang, J Guang, T Hou, G de Leeuw, Y Xue, L Mei
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 4 (1), 7597-7622, 2011
Aerosol optical depth retrieval in the Arctic region using MODIS based on prior knowledge
L Mei, Y Xue, G de Leeuw, T Hou, J Guang, L Yang, Y Li, H Xu, X He
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 4, 7597-7622, 2011
Characteristics of paleo-fluid of coal-bearing strata and its influence on the properties of CBM reservoirs in the Western Guizhou Province, China
H Xu, DZ Tang, S Li, S Tao
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 38 …, 2016
Topical establishment leveraging literature evolution
H Xu, E Martin, A Mahidadia
Proceedings of the 14th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries …, 2014
Erratum: Integration of remote sensing data and surface observations to estimate the impact of the Russian wildfires over Europe and Asia during August 2010 (Biogeosciences …
L Mei, Y Xue, G Leeuw, J Guang, Y Wang, Y Li, H Xu, L Yang, T Hou, ...
Biogeosciences, 1, 9, 41-45, 2012
Scanning tunneling microscopy study of higher-order Si (100)-c (8× 8) surface reconstruction
MAK Zilani, H Xu, XS Wang, N Yakovlev, ATS Wee
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (39), 395003, 2008
Colour rendering capacity
H Xu, X He
LIGHTING RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY 40 (3), 257-257, 2008
Inhibition effect of glycoprotein MTS03 from the submerged mycelia of Tricholoma matsutake on proliferation in MCF-7 cells in vitro
Y Wei, H Xu, Z Xu
[Determination of T lymphocyte subsets in peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients with chronic tonsillitis].
Y Huang, H Xu
Lin chuang er bi yan hou ke za zhi= Journal of clinical otorhinolaryngology …, 1999
RDRCE–a Framework for the Efficient Construction of Knowledge Bases for NLP Tasks
H Xu
University of New South Wales Australia, 2011
Flexible Magnetics: Magnetic Lithography and Fabrication of Magnetic Masks on Thin Plastic Substrates
ZZ Bandić, H Xu, JEE Baglin, TR Albrecht
MRS Proceedings 769, H7. 1, 2003
Research of Using Fourier Series Fitting Cam Lift Curve Based on the Least Square Method
H Bing, H Xu, O Yujiang
2013 Third International Conference on Intelligent System Design and …, 2013
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Articles 1–20