Eva Boergens
Eva Boergens
Deutsches GeoForschungszentrum Potsdam - GFZ
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Quantifying the Central European droughts in 2018 and 2019 with GRACE Follow‐On
E Boergens, A Güntner, H Dobslaw, C Dahle
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (14), e2020GL087285, 2020
ALES+: Adapting a homogenous ocean retracker for satellite altimetry to sea ice leads, coastal and inland waters
M Passaro, SK Rose, OB Andersen, E Boergens, FM Calafat, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 211, 456-471, 2018
Potential of SARAL/AltiKa for inland water applications
C Schwatke, D Dettmering, E Börgens, W Bosch
Marine Geodesy 38 (sup1), 626-643, 2015
Treating the hooking effect in satellite altimetry data: A case study along the Mekong River and its tributaries
E Boergens, D Dettmering, C Schwatke, F Seitz
Remote Sensing 8 (2), 91, 2016
Combination of multi-mission altimetry data along the Mekong River with spatio-temporal kriging
E Boergens, S Buhl, D Dettmering, C Klüppelberg, F Seitz
Journal of Geodesy 91, 519-534, 2017
Assessment of the capabilities of the temporal and spatiotemporal ICA method for geophysical signal separation in GRACE data
E Boergens, E Rangelova, MG Sideris, J Kusche
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (5), 4429-4447, 2014
Potential of ENVISAT radar altimetry for water level monitoring in the Pantanal wetland
D Dettmering, C Schwatke, E Boergens, F Seitz
Remote Sensing 8 (7), 596, 2016
Gravitationally consistent mean barystatic sea level rise from leakage‐corrected monthly grace data
H Dobslaw, R Dill, M Bagge, V Klemann, E Boergens, M Thomas, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 (11), e2020JB020923, 2020
Observing water level extremes in the Mekong River Basin: The benefit of long-repeat orbit missions in a multi-mission satellite altimetry approach
E Boergens, D Dettmering, F Seitz
Journal of Hydrology 570, 463-472, 2019
River levels derived with CryoSat-2 SAR data classification—A case study in the Mekong River Basin
E Boergens, K Nielsen, OB Andersen, D Dettmering, F Seitz
Remote Sensing 9 (12), 1238, 2017
Uncertainties of GRACE‐based terrestrial water storage anomalies for arbitrary averaging regions
E Boergens, A Kvas, A Eicker, H Dobslaw, L Schawohl, C Dahle, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 127 (2), e2021JB022081, 2022
Modelling spatial covariances for terrestrial water storage variations verified with synthetic GRACE-FO data
E Boergens, H Dobslaw, R Dill, M Thomas, C Dahle, M Murböck, ...
GEM-International Journal on Geomathematics 11 (1), 24, 2020
Self‐validating deep learning for recovering terrestrial water storage from gravity and altimetry measurements
C Irrgang, J Saynisch‐Wagner, R Dill, E Boergens, M Thomas
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (17), e2020GL089258, 2020
COST-G GravIS RL01 continental water storage anomalies
E Boergens, H Dobslaw, R Dill
GFZ Data Services, 2020
Airborne Laser Scanning for calibration and validation of inshore satellite altimetry: A proof of concept
A Zlinszky, E Boergens, P Glira, N Pfeifer
Remote Sensing of Environment 197, 35-42, 2017
GFZ GravIS RL06 continental water storage anomalies
E Boergens, H Dobslaw, R Dill
GFZ Data Services, 2019
OpenADB: An Open Altimeter Database providing high-quality altimeter data and products
C Schwatke, D Dettmering, W Bosch
Ocean Surface Topography Science Team (OSTST) Meeting 2013, Boulder, USA, 2013
Global water monitor 2023, summary report
A Van Dijk, HE Beck, E Boergens, RAM de Jeu, WA Dorigo, T Frederikse, ...
Global Water Monitor Consortium, 2024
Evaluating long-term water storage trends in small catchments and aquifers from a joint inversion of 20 years of GRACE/GRACE-FO mission data
A Kvas, E Boergens, H Dobslaw, A Eicker, T Mayer-Guerr, A Güntner
Geophysical Journal International 236 (2), 1002-1012, 2024
Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product (G3P). V. 1.11
A Güntner, E Sharifi, S Behzadpour, E Boergens, C Dahle, N Darbeheshti, ...
GFZ Data Services, 2023
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