Judith Scott-Clayton
Judith Scott-Clayton
Full Professor, Teachers College, Columbia University
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Financial aid policy: Lessons from research
S Dynarski, J Scott-Clayton
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2013
Improving the targeting of treatment: Evidence from college remediation
J Scott-Clayton, PM Crosta, CR Belfield
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 36 (3), 371-393, 2014
The cost of complexity in federal student aid: Lessons from optimal tax theory and behavioral economics
SM Dynarski, JE Scott-Clayton
National Tax Journal 59 (2), 319-356, 2006
Improving college access in the United States: Barriers and policy responses
LC Page, J Scott-Clayton
Economics of Education Review 51, 4-22, 2016
Do High-Stakes Placement Exams Predict College Success? CCRC Working Paper No. 41.
J Scott-Clayton
Community College Research Center, Columbia University, 2012
Development, discouragement, or diversion? New evidence on the effects of college remediation policy
J Scott-Clayton, O Rodriguez
Education Finance and Policy 10 (1), 4-45, 2015
On money and motivation: A quasi-experimental analysis of financial incentives for college achievement
J Scott-Clayton
Journal of Human resources 46 (3), 614-646, 2011
The shapeless river: Does a lack of structure inhibit students' progress at community colleges?
J Scott-Clayton
Decision making for student success, 102-123, 2015
Assessing developmental assessment in community colleges
KL Hughes, J Scott-Clayton
Community College Review 39 (4), 327-351, 2011
Black-white disparity in student loan debt more than triples after graduation
J Scott-Clayton, J Li
The Brookings Institution, 2016
Characterizing the effectiveness of developmental education: a response to recent criticism.
T Bailey, SS Jaggars, J Scott-Clayton
Community College Research Center, Columbia University, 2013
The looming student loan crisis is worse than we thought
J Scott-Clayton
The Brookings Institution, 2018
The end of free college in England: Implications for enrolments, equity, and quality
R Murphy, J Scott-Clayton, G Wyness
Economics of Education Review 71, 7-22, 2019
Pell grants as performance-based scholarships? An examination of satisfactory academic progress requirements in the nation’s largest need-based aid program
L Schudde, J Scott-Clayton
Research in Higher Education 57, 943-967, 2016
Financial aid, debt management, and socioeconomic outcomes: Post-college effects of merit-based aid
J Scott-Clayton, B Zafar
Journal of Public Economics 170, 68-82, 2019
What explains trends in labor supply among US undergraduates?
J Scott-Clayton
National Tax Journal 65 (1), 181-210, 2012
4 Complexity and Targeting in Federal Student Aid: A Quantitative Analysis
SM Dynarski, JE Scott-Clayton
Tax policy and the economy 22 (1), 109-150, 2008
Should student employment be subsidized? Conditional counterfactuals and the outcomes of work-study participation
J Scott-Clayton, V Minaya
Economics of Education Review 52, 1-18, 2016
The role of financial aid in promoting college access and success: Research evidence and proposals for reform
J Scott-Clayton
Journal of Student Financial Aid 45 (3), 3, 2015
The causal effect of federal work-study participation: Quasi-experimental evidence from West Virginia
J Scott-Clayton
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 33 (4), 506-527, 2011
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