Francesca Delogu
Francesca Delogu
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Event-related potentials index lexical retrieval (N400) and integration (P600) during language comprehension
F Delogu, H Brouwer, MW Crocker
Brain and cognition 135, 103569, 2019
Annotating a broad range of anaphoric phenomena, in a variety of genres: the ARRAU corpus
O Uryupina, R Artstein, A Bristot, F Cavicchio, F Delogu, KJ Rodriguez, ...
Natural Language Engineering 26 (1), 95-128, 2020
Anaphoric annotation of wikipedia and blogs in the live memories corpus
KJ Rodrıguez, F Delogu, Y Versley, EW Stemle, M Poesio
Proceedings of LREC, 157-163, 2010
Retrieval (N400) and integration (P600) in expectation-based comprehension
C Aurnhammer, F Delogu, M Schulz, H Brouwer, MW Crocker
Plos one 16 (9), e0257430, 2021
Neurobehavioral correlates of surprisal in language comprehension: A neurocomputational model
H Brouwer, F Delogu, NJ Venhuizen, MW Crocker
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 615538, 2021
Teasing apart coercion and surprisal: Evidence from eye-movements and ERPs
F Delogu, MW Crocker, H Drenhaus
Cognition 161, 46-59, 2017
Incremental and predictive discourse processing based on causal and concessive discourse markers: ERP studies on German and English
H Drenhaus, V Demberg, J Köhne, F Delogu
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 36 (36), 2014
Rational over-specification in visually-situated comprehension and production
EN Tourtouri, F Delogu, L Sikos, MW Crocker
Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science 3 (2), 175-202, 2019
On the predictability of event boundaries in discourse: An ERP investigation
F Delogu, H Drenhaus, MW Crocker
Memory & cognition 46, 315-325, 2018
When components collide: Spatiotemporal overlap of the N400 and P600 in language comprehension
F Delogu, H Brouwer, MW Crocker
Brain Research 1766, 147514, 2021
The P600 as a continuous index of integration effort
C Aurnhammer, F Delogu, H Brouwer, MW Crocker
Psychophysiology 60 (9), e14302, 2023
The online processing of causal and concessive discourse connectives
J Köhne-Fuetterer, H Drenhaus, F Delogu, V Demberg
Linguistics 59 (2), 417-448, 2021
F Delogu
Key notions for pragmatics, 195-207, 2009
Splitting event‐related potentials: Modeling latent components using regression‐based waveform estimation
H Brouwer, F Delogu, MW Crocker
European Journal of Neuroscience 53 (4), 974-995, 2021
ERP indices of situated reference in visual contexts
EN Tourtouri, F Delogu, MW Crocker
37th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2015), 2422-2427, 2015
Effects of intensionality on sentence and discourse processing: Evidence from eye-movements
F Delogu, F Vespignani, AJ Sanford
Journal of Memory and Language 62 (4), 352-379, 2010
Situational expectancy or association? The influence of event knowledge on the N400
E Rabs, F Delogu, H Drenhaus, MW Crocker
Language, cognition and neuroscience 37 (6), 766-784, 2022
Specificity and entropy reduction in situated referential processing
EN Tourtouri, F Delogu, MW Crocker
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 39, 2017
Discourse expectations are sensitive to the question under discussion: Evidence from ERPs
F Delogu, T Jachmann, M Staudte, F Vespignani, N Molinaro
Discourse Processes 57 (2), 122-140, 2020
Teasing apart coercion and surprisal: Evidence from ERPs and eye-movements
F Delogu, H Drenhaus, M Crocker
Talk presented at the 26th CUNY conference in Columbia, SC, 2013
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Articles 1–20