Simon Moser
Simon Moser
IBM Deutschland Research & Development GmbH
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Advanced verification of distributed WS-BPEL business processes incorporating CSSA-based data flow analysis
W Amme, A Martens, S Moser
International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management 4 (1 …, 2009
Analyzing compatibility of bpel processes
A Martens, S Moser, A Gerhardt, K Funk
Advanced Int'l Conference on Telecommunications and Int'l Conference on …, 2006
Automatic workflow graph refactoring and completion
J Vanhatalo, H Völzer, F Leymann, S Moser
Service-Oriented Computing–ICSOC 2008: 6th International Conference, Sydney …, 2008
Integrating Configuration Management with Model-driven Cloud Management based on TOSCA.
J Wettinger, M Behrendt, T Binz, U Breitenbücher, G Breiter, F Leymann, ...
CLOSER, 437-446, 2013
Extending the compatibility notion for abstract WS-BPEL processes
D König, N Lohmann, S Moser, C Stahl, K Wolf
Proceedings of the 17th international conference on World Wide Web, 785-794, 2008
Web services business process execution language version 2.0
C Barreto, V Bullard, T Erl, J Evdemon, D Jordan, K Kand, D Knig, ...
Specification, OASIS, 1-66, 2007
Web services business process execution language version 2.0 primer
C Barreto, V Bullard, T Erl, J Evdemon, D Jordan, K Kand, D König, ...
OASIS Web Services Business Process Execution Language (WSBPEL) TC, OASIS Open, 2007
Computer readable medium, system and method of debugging software applications modelled using flow paradigms
WG O'farrell, E Mamas, SX Tan, SD Moser
US Patent 8,473,912, 2013
Software defined environments based on TOSCA in IBM cloud implementations
G Breiter, M Behrendt, M Gupta, SD Moser, R Schulze, I Sippli, T Spatzier
IBM Journal of Research and Development 58 (2/3), 9: 1-9: 10, 2014
Verifying business rules using an SMT solver for BPEL processes
G Monakova, O Kopp, F Leymann, S Moser, K Schäfers
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2009
High performance debugging in a message flow environment
SD Moser, WG O'farrell, S Tan
US Patent 7,093,237, 2006
Generation of user interfaces in the management of processes with associated data objects
SC Claussen, V Klicnik, D Koenig, SD Moser, P Nandi
US Patent App. 13/005,578, 2012
Diagnosing SCA Components Using Wombat
A Martens, S Moser
Business Process Management: 4th International Conference, BPM 2006, Vienna …, 2006
Instantiating resources of an IT-service
JE Arwe, G Breiter, M Chodorowski, F Dross, N Kokhlikyan, HA Le, ...
US Patent 9,203,774, 2015
BPM Academic Initiative-Fostering Empirical Research.
M Kunze, P Berger, M Weske, N Lohmann, S Moser
BPM (Demos), 1-5, 2012
Renewables4Industry-Abstimmung des Energiebedarfs von industriellen Anlagen und der Energieversorgung aus fluktuierenden Erneuerbaren: Endberichtsteil 3 von 3-Grundlegende …
S Moser, H Steinmüller, KH Leitner, R Hofmann, S Panuschka, ...
Pre-executing workflow preparation activities based on activity probabilities and system load and capacity threshold requirements
F Leymann, S Moser, F Schwenkreis
US Patent 9,430,745, 2016
Generating compatible partner processes in BPEL
S Moser, M Haebich, A Martens
US Patent 8,914,770, 2014
A restructuring method for WS-BPEL business processes based on extended workflow graphs
TS Heinze, W Amme, S Moser
International Conference on Business Process Management, 211-228, 2009
A hybrid approach for generating compatible WS-BPEL partner processes
S Moser, A Martens, M Häbich, J Mülle
Business Process Management: 4th International Conference, BPM 2006, Vienna …, 2006
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