Greg Fischer
Greg Fischer
Assistant Professor of Economics, London School of Economics
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Keeping It Simple: Financial Literacy and Rules of Thumb
A Drexler, G Fischer, A Schoar
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 6 (2), 1-31, 2014
Eliciting and utilizing willingness to pay: Evidence from field trials in Northern Ghana
J Berry, G Fischer, R Guiteras
Journal of Political Economy 128 (4), 1436-1473, 2020
Contract Structure, Risk-Sharing, and Investment Choice
G Fischer
Econometrica 81 (3), 883–939, 2013
Repayment frequency in microfinance contracts with present-biased borrowers
G Fischer, M Ghatak
Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines, 2010
Short-term subsidies and seller type: A health products experiment in Uganda
G Fischer, D Karlan, M McConnell, P Raffler
Journal of Development Economics 137, 110-124, 2019
Do women respond less to performance pay? Building evidence from multiple experiments
O Bandiera, G Fischer, A Prat, E Ytsma
American Economic Review: Insights 3 (4), 435-454, 2021
Investment choice and inflation uncertainty
G Fischer
London School of Economics and Political Science, 2013
Spanning the chasm: Uniting theory and empirics in microfinance research
G Fischer, M Ghatak
The handbook of microfinance, 59-75, 2011
Efficiency and rent seeking in local government: Evidence from randomized policy experiments in India
E Duflo, G Fischer, R Chattopadhyay
Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge …, 2005
The catch-22 of external validity in the context of constraints to firm growth
G Fischer, D Karlan
American Economic Review 105 (5), 295-299, 2015
Access to finance: A functional approach to supply and demand
G Fischer
Asia Research Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science, 2011
Incentive compatibility in the field: a test of the Becker-Degroot-Marschak mechanism
J Berry, G Fischer, R Guiteras
Working Paper, 2011
Incentives and culture: evidence from a multi-country field experiment
O Bandiera, A Dahlstrand-Rudin, G Fischer
AEA RCT, 4685-2.1, 2020
Efficiency and rent seeking in local governments: Evidence from randomized policy experiments in India
R Chattopadhyay, E Duflo, G Fischer
Workingpaper, MIT, 2004
Can” Good” HR Practices Be Exported? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Ghana
O Bandiera, G Fischer
IGC Working Paper,(F-6021-GHA-1), 2013
Do microenterprises maximize profits? a vegetable market experiment in india
A Banerjee, G Fischer, D Karlan, M Lowe, BN Roth
Unpublished working paper, 2023
Physikalische Diagnose eines numerischen Experiments zur Entwicklung der Grossräumigen atmosphärischen Zirculation auf einem Aquaplaneten
G Fischer, E Kirk, R Podzun
Meteorologische Rundschau 43 (2), 33-42, 1991
Meteorology. Thermodynamical and Dynamical Structures of the Global Atmosphere
G Fischer
Landolt-Börnstein 4a. Springer-Verlag, 1988
Incentive compatibility in the wild: field implementation of the Becker–DeGroot–Marschak mechanism
J Berry, G Fischer, R Guiteras
London: London School of Economics, 2011
Does the Invisible Hand Efficiently Guide Entry and Exit? Evidence from a Vegetable Market Experiment in India
AV Banerjee, G Fischer, D Karlan, M Lowe, B Roth
Evidence from a Vegetable Market Experiment in India (July 14, 2022 …, 2022
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Articles 1–20