Ryan Perry
Ryan Perry
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Dangerous and competitive worldviews: A meta-analysis of their associations with social dominance orientation and right-wing authoritarianism
R Perry, CG Sibley, J Duckitt
Journal of Research in Personality 47 (1), 116-127, 2013
Validation of two game experience scales: the player experience of need satisfaction (PENS) and game experience questionnaire (GEQ)
D Johnson, MJ Gardner, R Perry
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 118, 38-46, 2018
Experiences of racism, racial/ethnic attitudes, motivated fairness and mental health outcomes among primary and secondary school students
N Priest, R Perry, A Ferdinand, Y Paradies, M Kelaher
Journal of youth and adolescence 43, 1672-1687, 2014
The Mini-IPIP6: Validation and extension of a short measure of the Big-Six factors of personality in New Zealand
Sibley, C. G., Luyten, N., Purnomo, M., Moberly, A., Wootton, L. W., ...
New Zealand Journal of Psychology 40, 142-159, 2011
Personality and prejudice: Extension to the HEXACO personality model
CG Sibley, JF Harding, R Perry, F Asbrock, J Duckitt
European Journal of Personality 24 (6), 515-534, 2010
Big-Five personality prospectively predicts Social Dominance Orientation and Right-Wing Authoritarianism
R Perry, CG Sibley
Personality and Individual Differences, 2012
Online-only friends, real-life friends or strangers? Differential associations with passion and social capital in video game play
R Perry, A Drachen, A Kearney, S Kriglstein, LE Nacke, R Sifa, G Wallner, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 79, 202-210, 2018
Effects over time of self-reported direct and vicarious racial discrimination on depressive symptoms and loneliness among Australian school students
N Priest, R Perry, A Ferdinand, M Kelaher, Y Paradies
BMC psychiatry 17, 1-11, 2017
An opposing process model of benevolent sexism
CG Sibley, R Perry
Sex roles 62 (7), 438-452, 2010
A dual process model of attitudes towards immigration: person× residential area effects in a national sample
CG Sibley, J Duckitt, R Bergh, D Osborne, R Perry, F Asbrock, ...
Political Psychology 34 (4), 553-572, 2013
Ethnic group stereotypes in New Zealand
CG Sibley, K Stewart, C Houkamau, S Manuela, R Perry, L Wootton, ...
New Zealand Journal of Psychology 40, 25-36, 2011
Comparing human papillomavirus vaccine concerns on Twitter: a cross-sectional study of users in Australia, Canada and the UK
GK Shapiro, D Surian, AG Dunn, R Perry, M Kelaher
BMJ open 7 (10), e016869, 2017
Seize and freeze: Openness to experience shapes judgments of societal threat
R Perry, CG Sibley
Journal of Research in Personality 47 (6), 677-686, 2013
Religious ambivalence: Suppression of pro-social attitudes toward asylum seekers by right-wing authoritarianism
R Perry, Y Paradies, A Pedersen
The international journal for the psychology of religion 25 (3), 230-246, 2015
A dual‐process motivational model of social and economic policy attitudes
R Perry, CG Sibley
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 13 (1), 262-285, 2013
Barriers to multiculturalism: In-group favoritism and out-group hostility are independently associated with policy opposition
R Perry, N Priest, Y Paradies, FK Barlow, CG Sibley
Social Psychological and Personality Science 9 (1), 89-98, 2018
Your sexism predicts my sexism: Perceptions of men’s (but not women’s) sexism affects one’s own sexism over time
CG Sibley, NC Overall, J Duckitt, R Perry, TL Milfont, SS Khan, R Fischer, ...
Sex roles 60 (9), 682-693, 2009
Prosociality and morality through the lens of personality psychology
LD Smillie, ECR Lawn, K Zhao, R Perry, SM Laham
Australian Journal of Psychology 71 (1), 50-58, 2019
Unsatisfied needs as a predictor of obsessive passion for videogame play.
D Johnson, J Formosa, R Perry, D Lalande, S Türkay, P Obst, R Mandryk
Psychology of Popular Media 11 (1), 47, 2022
Social Dominance Orientation: Mapping a baseline individual difference component across self-categorizations.
R Perry, CG Sibley
Journal of Individual Differences 32 (2), 110-116, 2011
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