Raimund Rolfes
Raimund Rolfes
Professor of Structural Analysis, Leibniz Universität Hannover
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Robust design of composite cylindrical shells under axial compression—simulation and validation
C Hühne, R Rolfes, E Breitbach, J Teßmer
Thin-walled structures 46 (7-9), 947-962, 2008
Improved transverse shear stresses in composite finite elements based on first order shear deformation theory
R Rolfes, K Rohwer
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 40 (1), 51-60, 1997
Modeling the inelastic deformation and fracture of polymer composites–Part I: Plasticity model
M Vogler, R Rolfes, PP Camanho
Mechanics of Materials 59, 50-64, 2013
COCOMAT—improved material exploitation of composite airframe structures by accurate simulation of postbuckling and collapse
R Degenhardt, R Rolfes, R Zimmermann, K Rohwer
Composite Structures 73 (2), 175-178, 2006
Structural monitoring of wind turbines using wireless sensor networks
RA Swartz, JP Lynch, S Zerbst, B Sweetman, R Rolfes
Smart structures and systems 6 (3), 183-196, 2010
Progressive damage analysis of composite bolted joints with liquid shim layers using constant and continuous degradation models
C Hühne, AK Zerbst, G Kuhlmann, C Steenbock, R Rolfes
Composite Structures 92 (2), 189-200, 2010
Modeling the inelastic deformation and fracture of polymer composites–Part II: Smeared crack model
PP Camanho, MA Bessa, G Catalanotti, M Vogler, R Rolfes
Mechanics of Materials 59, 36-49, 2013
Multiscale progressive failure analysis of textile composites
G Ernst, M Vogler, C Hühne, R Rolfes
Composites Science and Technology 70 (1), 61-72, 2010
Transverse thermal conductivity of CFRP laminates: A numerical and experimental validation of approximation formulae
R Rolfes, U Hammerschmidt
Composites Science and Technology 54 (1), 45-54, 1995
Neural network assisted multiscale analysis for the elastic properties prediction of 3D braided composites under uncertainty
G Balokas, S Czichon, R Rolfes
Composite Structures 183, 550-562, 2018
POSICOSS—improved postbuckling simulation for design of fibre composite stiffened fuselage structures
R Zimmermann, R Rolfes
Composite Structures 73 (2), 171-174, 2006
Evaluation of transverse thermal stresses in composite plates based on first-order shear deformation theory
R Rolfes, AK Noor, H Sparr
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 167 (3-4), 355-368, 1998
A multi phase-field fracture model for long fiber reinforced composites based on the puck theory of failure
A Dean, PKAV Kumar, J Reinoso, C Gerendt, M Paggi, E Mahdi, R Rolfes
Composite Structures 251, 112446, 2020
Higher-order theories for thermal stresses in layered plates
K Rohwer, R Rolfes, H Sparr
International Journal of Solids and Structures 38 (21), 3673-3687, 2001
Efficient linear transverse normal stress analysis of layered composite plates
R Rolfes, K Rohwer, M Ballerstaedt
Computers & structures 68 (6), 643-652, 1998
Revealing complex aspects of compressive failure of polymer composites–Part I: Fiber kinking at microscale
M Bishara, R Rolfes, O Allix
Composite Structures 169, 105-115, 2017
A semi-analytical model for local post-buckling analysis of stringer-and frame-stiffened cylindrical panels
P Buermann, R Rolfes, J Tessmer, M Schagerl
Thin-Walled Structures 44 (1), 102-114, 2006
Probabilistic design of axially compressed composite cylinders with geometric and loading imperfections
B Kriegesmann, R Rolfes, C Hühne, J Teßmer, J Arbocz
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 10 (04), 623-644, 2010
A phase field approach for ductile fracture of short fibre reinforced composites
A Dean, J Reinoso, NK Jha, E Mahdi, R Rolfes
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 106, 102495, 2020
Monitoring a 5 MW offshore wind energy converter—Condition parameters and triangulation based extraction of modal parameters
MW Häckell, R Rolfes
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 40 (1), 322-343, 2013
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