Michael Pinggera
Michael Pinggera
Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept. of Political Science at the University of Zürich
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Radical right parties and their welfare state stances–not so blurry after all?
M Enggist, M Pinggera
West European Politics 45 (1), 102-128, 2022
Class and social policy in the knowledge economy
S Häusermann, M Pinggera, M Ares, M Enggist
European Journal of Political Research 61 (2), 462-484, 2022
Congruent with whom? Parties’ issue emphases and voter preferences in welfare politics
M Pinggera
Journal of European Public Policy 28 (12), 1973-1992, 2021
The emergence of knowledge economies: Educational expansion, labor market changes, and the politics of social investment
JL Garritzmann, S Häusermann, T Kurer, B Palier, M Pinggera
The COVID-crisis as an opportunity for welfare recalibration? Panel-data evidence on the effect of the COVID-crisis on welfare preferences in Spain, Germany, and Sweden
M Enggist, S Häusermann, M Pinggera
Journal of European Public Policy 29 (12), 2007-2021, 2022
Mass public attitudes on social policy priorities and reforms in Western Europe: WELFAREPRIORITIES dataset 2020
S Häusermann, M Ares, M Enggist, M Pinggera
Welfarepriorities, 2020
The limits of solidarity: changing welfare coalitions in a transforming European party system
S Häusermann, M Pinggera, M Ares, M Enggist, ...
SPSA, 2020
Sozialpolitik in Hard Times
S Häusermann, M Enggist, M Pinggera
Handbuch Sozialpolitik, 33-54, 2019
Place and Policy Preferences–Spatial Divides in Attitudes towards Social Policies in Germany
M Pinggera
Swiss Political Science Review 29 (1), 1-20, 2023
Macarena Ares, and Matthias Enggist (2020).‘
S Häusermann, M Pinggera
The Limits of Solidarity. Changing Welfare Coalitions in a Transforming …, 0
Mass public attitudes on social policy priorities and reforms in Western Europe
S Häusermann, M Ares, M Enggist, M Pinggera
WELFAREPRIORITIES dataset 73, 2020
Fiscal austerity perceptions and how they depress solidarity
S Häusermann, M Enggist, M Ares, M Pinggera
Unpublished conference paper, 1-23, 2019
Welfare priorities dataset 2020
S Häusermann, M Ares, M Enggist, M Pinggera
University of Zurich. Data file Version 1, 2020
Attitudinal constraint in welfare priorities: Political interest and welfare publics
M Ares, M Enggist, S Häusermann, M Pinggera
European Political Science Association 9th Annual Conference, 20-22, 2019
The limits of solidarity
S Häusermann, M Pinggera, M Ares, M Enggist
Changing welfare coalitions in a transforming European party system, 2020
Altersvorsorge 2020
S Häusermann, D Traber, T Kurer, M Pinggera
Zürich: Universität Zürich, Institut für Politikwissenschaft. Online: http …, 2016
Under What Conditions Do Citizens Support Future-Oriented Welfare Reforms? Public Opinion and Second Dimension Welfare Politics
JL Garritzmann, S Häusermann, M Pinggera
Manuscript, 2022
The COVID-crisis as an opportunity for welfare recalibration
M Enggist, M Pinggera, S Häusermann
SPSA annual conference, 4-5, 2021
Mehrheitsfähigkeit der Altersvorsorge 2020: Die Bewertung der Reformelemente durch die Stimmbürgerinnen und Stimmbürger vor der Abstimmung
S Häusermann, T Kurer, M Pinggera, D Traber
Swiss Political Science Review 24 (1), 69-78, 2018
Attitudinal consistency in citizens’ social policy preferences
M Ares, S Häusermann, M Enggist, M Pinggera
The Journal of Politics 86 (4), 000-000, 2024
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