Thorsten Schmidt
Thorsten Schmidt
Professor for Applied Informatics for Life - Hochschule Weihenstephan
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Protein abundance profiling of the Escherichia coli cytosol
Y Ishihama, T Schmidt, J Rappsilber, M Mann, FU Hartl, MJ Kerner, ...
BMC genomics 9 (1), 1, 2008
CORUM: the comprehensive resource of mammalian protein complexes
A Ruepp, B Brauner, I Dunger-Kaltenbach, G Frishman, C Montrone, ...
Nucleic acids research 36 (suppl 1), D646-D650, 2008
Exome sequencing identifies ACAD9 mutations as a cause of complex I deficiency
TB Haack, K Danhauser, B Haberberger, J Hoser, V Strecker, D Boehm, ...
Nature genetics 42 (12), 1131-1134, 2010
Will my protein crystallize? A sequence‐based predictor
P Smialowski, T Schmidt, J Cox, A Kirschner, D Frishman
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 62 (2), 343-355, 2006
ProfCom: a web tool for profiling the complex functionality of gene groups identified from high-throughput data
AV Antonov, T Schmidt, Y Wang, HW Mewes
Nucleic acids research 36 (suppl 2), W347-W351, 2008
The PEDANT genome database in 2005
ML Riley, T Schmidt, C Wagner, HW Mewes, D Frishman
Nucleic acids research 33 (suppl 1), D308-D310, 2005
Importance of mRNA secondary structural elements for the expression of influenza virus genes
PO Ilyinskii, T Schmidt, D Lukashev, AB Meriin, G Thoidis, D Frishman, ...
OMICS A Journal of Integrative Biology 13 (5), 421-430, 2009
PEDANT genome database: 10 years online
ML Riley, T Schmidt, II Artamonova, C Wagner, A Volz, K Heumann, ...
Nucleic acids research 35 (suppl 1), D354-D357, 2007
An evolutionary and structural characterization of mammalian protein complex organization
P Wong, S Althammer, A Hildebrand, A Kirschner, P Pagel, B Geissler, ...
Bmc Genomics 9 (1), 1, 2008
PROMPT: a protein mapping and comparison tool
T Schmidt, D Frishman
BMC bioinformatics 7 (1), 1, 2006
An approach to handling and interpretation of ambiguous data in transcriptome and proteome comparisons
M Irmler, D Hartl, T Schmidt, J Schuchhardt, C Lach, HE Meyer, ...
Proteomics 8 (6), 1165-1169, 2008
Phenotypic variation in Acidovorax radicisN35 influences plant growth promotion
D Li, M Rothballer, M Engel, J Hoser, T Schmidt, C Kuttler, M Schmid, ...
FEMS microbiology ecology 79 (3), 751-762, 2012
Sequence–structure relationships in yeast mRNAs
A Chursov, MC Walter, T Schmidt, A Mironov, A Shneider, D Frishman
Nucleic acids research 40 (3), 956-962, 2012
Assignment of isochores for all completely sequenced vertebrate genomes using a consensus
T Schmidt, D Frishman
Genome biology 9 (6), 1, 2008
A novel putative miRNA target enhancer signal
T Schmidt, HW Mewes, V Stümpflen
PloS one 4 (7), e6473, 2009
OREST: the online resource for EST analysis
B Waegele, T Schmidt, HW Mewes, A Ruepp
Nucleic acids research 36 (suppl 2), W140-W144, 2008
Interaction between long and small ncRNAs
N Albrecht, HW Mewes, T Schmidt
Department of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics of MV Lomonosov Moscow State …, 2011
Mitochondrial complex I deficiency: exome sequencing aids efficient diagnosis and identification of a novel disease gene
TB Haack, K Danhauser, B Haberberger, J Hoser, G Uziel, S Biskup, ...
Neuropediatrics 42 (S 01), P073, 2011
Supporting Information for Proteomics
M Irmler, D Hartl, T Schmidt, J Schuchhardt, C Lach, HE Meyer, ...
A Generic Java Framework for the Large-scale Comparison of NGS Data
AA Nikulova, AV Artemov, T Schmidt
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