Tomas Bures
Tomas Bures
Full Professor of Computer Science, Charles University
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Sofa 2.0: Balancing advanced features in a hierarchical component model
T Bures, P Hnetynka, F Plasil
Fourth International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management …, 2006
A component model for control-intensive distributed embedded systems
S Sentilles, A Vulgarakis, T Bureš, J Carlson, I Crnković
International Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering, 310-317, 2008
DEECO: an ensemble-based component system
T Bures, I Gerostathopoulos, P Hnetynka, J Keznikl, M Kit, F Plasil
Proceedings of the 16th International ACM Sigsoft symposium on Component …, 2013
ProCom–the Progress Component Model Reference Manual
T Bureš, J Carlson, I Crnkovic, S Sentilles, A Vulgarakis
version 1.0. Technical Report MDH-MRTC-230/2008-1-SE, Mälardalen University, 2008
Patterns for self-adaptation in cyber-physical systems
A Musil, J Musil, D Weyns, T Bures, H Muccini, M Sharaf
Multi-Disciplinary Engineering for Cyber-Physical Production Systems: Data …, 2017
Software engineering for smart cyber-physical systems: Challenges and promising solutions
T Bures, D Weyns, B Schmer, E Tovar, E Boden, T Gabor, ...
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 42 (2), 19-24, 2017
Self-adaptation in software-intensive cyber–physical systems: From system goals to architecture configurations
I Gerostathopoulos, T Bures, P Hnetynka, J Keznikl, M Kit, F Plasil, ...
Journal of Systems and Software 122, 378-397, 2016
Comparison of component frameworks for real-time embedded systems
P Hošek, T Pop, T Bureš, P Hnětynka, M Malohlava
Component-Based Software Engineering: 13th International Symposium, CBSE …, 2010
The autonomic cloud: a vision of voluntary, peer-2-peer cloud computing
P Mayer, A Klarl, R Hennicker, M Puviani, F Tiezzi, R Pugliese, J Keznikl, ...
2013 IEEE 7th International Conference on Self-Adaptation and Self …, 2013
An architecture framework for experimentations with self-adaptive cyber-physical systems
M Kit, I Gerostathopoulos, T Bures, P Hnetynka, F Plasil
2015 IEEE/ACM 10th International Symposium on Software Engineering for …, 2015
High-level mission specification for multiple robots
S García, P Pelliccione, C Menghi, T Berger, T Bures
Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGPLAN international conference on software …, 2019
Self-adaptation based on big data analytics: a model problem and tool
S Schmid, I Gerostathopoulos, C Prehofer, T Bures
2017 IEEE/ACM 12th International Symposium on Software Engineering for …, 2017
Communication style driven connector configurations
T Bures, F Plasil
International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Applications …, 2003
Capturing performance assumptions using stochastic performance logic
L Bulej, T Bureš, J Keznikl, A Koubková, A Podzimek, P Tůma
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance …, 2012
Microcomponent-based component controllers: A foundation for component aspects
V Mencl, T Bures
12th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC'05), 9 pp., 2005
Towards dependable emergent ensembles of components: the DEECo component model
J Keznikl, T Bureš, F Plášil, M Kit
2012 Joint Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture and …, 2012
Unit testing performance with stochastic performance logic
L Bulej, T Bureš, V Horký, J Kotrč, L Marek, T Trojánek, P Tůma
Automated Software Engineering 24, 139-187, 2017
A life cycle for the development of autonomic systems: The e-mobility showcase
T Bures, R De Nicola, I Gerostathopoulos, N Hoch, M Kit, N Koch, ...
2013 IEEE 7th International Conference on Self-Adaptation and Self …, 2013
Software abstractions for component interaction in the internet of things
T Bures, F Plasil, M Kit, P Tuma, N Hoch
Computer 49 (12), 50-59, 2016
Architectural homeostasis in self-adaptive software-intensive cyber-physical systems
I Gerostathopoulos, D Skoda, F Plasil, T Bures, A Knauss
Software Architecture: 10th European Conference, ECSA 2016, Copenhagen …, 2016
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