Lukas Otto
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Cited by
The softening of journalistic political communication: A comprehensive framework model of sensationalism, soft news, infotainment, and tabloidization
L Otto, I Glogger, M Boukes
Communication theory 27 (2), 136-155, 2017
Public understanding of science and the perception of nanotechnology: the roles of interest in science, methodological knowledge, epistemological beliefs, and beliefs about science
A Retzbach, J Marschall, M Rahnke, L Otto, M Maier
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 13, 6231-6244, 2011
Informal learning through science media usage
M Maier, T Rothmund, A Retzbach, L Otto, JC Besley
Educational Psychologist 49 (2), 86-103, 2014
Is context the key? The (non-) differential effects of mediated incivility in three European countries
LP Otto, S Lecheler, ART Schuck
Political Communication 37 (1), 88-107, 2020
Politisches interesse kurzskala (PIKS)–entwicklung und validierung
L Otto, P Bacherle
Politische Psychologie 1 (1), 19-35, 2011
Measuring the perceived uncertainty of scientific evidence and its relationship to engagement with science
J Retzbach, L Otto, M Maier
Public understanding of science 25 (6), 638-655, 2016
Mediated and moderated effects of personalized political communication on political trust
L Otto, M Maier
Communications 41 (1), 21-45, 2016
Understanding the democratic role of perceived online political micro-targeting: longitudinal effects on trust in democracy and political interest
J Matthes, M Hirsch, M Stubenvoll, A Binder, S Kruikemeier, S Lecheler, ...
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 19 (4), 435-448, 2022
How to capture reciprocal communication dynamics: Comparing longitudinal statistical approaches in order to analyze within-and between-person effects
F Thomas, A Shehata, LP Otto, J Möller, E Prestele
Journal of Communication 71 (2), 187-219, 2021
Measuring traits and states in public opinion research: A latent state–trait analysis of political efficacy
FM Schneider, L Otto, D Alings, M Schmitt
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 26 (2), 202-223, 2014
Effects of repeated exposure to science TV shows on beliefs about scientific evidence and interest in science
J Retzbach, A Retzbach, M Maier, L Otto, M Rahnke
Journal of Media Psychology, 2013
Everyday dynamics of media skepticism and credibility: An ambulatory assessment study
L Otto, F Thomas, M Maier
Trust in media and journalism: Empirical perspectives on ethics, norms …, 2018
Only one moment in time? Investigating the dynamic relationship of emotions and attention toward political information with mobile experience sampling
LP Otto, F Thomas, M Maier, C Ottenstein
Communication Research 47 (8), 1131-1154, 2020
Linking media content and survey data in a dynamic and digital media environment–mobile longitudinal linkage analysis
LP Otto, F Thomas, I Glogger, CH De Vreese
Digital Journalism 10 (1), 200-215, 2022
Political advertising exposed: Tracking Facebook ads in the 2021 Dutch elections
D Beraldo, S Milan, J de Vos, C Agosti, BN Sotic, R Vliegenthart, ...
Internet Policy Review 11, 2021
Journalistic views on hard and soft news: Cross-validating a popular concept in a factorial survey
I Glogger, LP Otto
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 96 (3), 811-829, 2019
The smartphone as a tool for mobile communication research: Assessing mobile campaign perceptions and effects with experience sampling
LP Otto, S Kruikemeier
new media & society 25 (4), 795-815, 2023
When they go low, we gloat: How trait and state Schadenfreude moderate the perception and effect of negative political messages.
A Nai, LP Otto
Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications 33 (2), 82, 2021
Citizens’ acceptance of data-driven political campaigning: A 25-country cross-national vignette study
R Vliegenthart, J Vrielink, K Dommett, R Gibson, E Bon, X Chu, ...
Social Science Computer Review, 08944393241249708, 2024
Personalization 2.0?–Testing the personalization hypothesis in citizens’, journalists’, and politicians’ campaign Twitter communication
LP Otto, I Glogger, M Maier
Communications 44 (4), 359-381, 2019
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Articles 1–20