Doreen Reifegerste
Doreen Reifegerste
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Gender-specific determinants and patterns of online health information seeking: results from a representative German health survey
E Baumann, F Czerwinski, D Reifegerste
Journal of Medical Internet Research 19 (4), e92, 2017
Gender differences in gratifications from fitness app use and implications for health interventions
S Klenk, D Reifegerste, R Renatus
Mobile Media & Communication 5 (2), 178-193, 2017
Surrogate health information seeking in Europe: Influence of source type and social network variables
D Reifegerste, M Bachl, E Baumann
International journal of medical informatics 103, 7-14, 2017
What should governments be doing to prevent diabetes throughout the life course?
P Timpel, L Harst, D Reifegerste, S Weihrauch-Blüher, PEH Schwarz
Diabetologia 62, 1842-1853, 2019
A systematic review of responsibility frames and their effects in the health context
LJ Temmann, A Wiedicke, S Schaller, S Scherr, D Reifegerste
Journal of Health Communication 26 (12), 828-838, 2021
Online social support for obese adults: Exploring the role of forum activity
D Reifegerste, K Wasgien, LM Hagen
International journal of medical informatics 101, 1-8, 2017
Understanding information seeking about the health of others: applying the comprehensive model of information seeking to proxy online health information seeking
D Reifegerste, S Blech, P Dechant
Journal of health communication 25 (2), 126-135, 2020
D Reifegerste, A Ort
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2024
Medien und Gesundheit
D Reifegerste, E Baumann
Springer VS, 2018
“The part played by people” in times of COVID-19: interpersonal communication about media coverage in a pandemic crisis
A Wagner, D Reifegerste
Health Communication 38 (5), 1014-1021, 2023
Die Rollen der Angehörigen in der Gesundheitskommunikation: Modelle, Funktionen und Strategien
D Reifegerste
Springer-Verlag, 2019
Promoting physical activity with group pictures. Affiliation-based visual communication for high-risk populations
D Reifegerste, C Rossmann
Health Communication 32 (2), 161-168, 2017
Hypoglycemia-related information seeking among informal caregivers of type 2 diabetes patients: implications for health education
D Reifegerste, S Hartleib
Journal of Clinical & Translational Endocrinology 4, 7-12, 2016
Embracing challenging complexity: exploring handwashing behavior from a combined socioecological and intersectional perspective in Sierra Leone
HL Lanfer, D Reifegerste
BMC Public Health 21, 1-17, 2021
Die Evidenzkraft von Bildern in der Wissenschaftskommunikation
L Guenther, SH Kessler, D Reifegerste
Wissenschaftskommunikation zwischen Risiko und (Un) Sicherheit, 2016
Family involvement in the context of chronic diseases: The role of social support in treatment decision-making for surgical procedures
E Link, D Reifegerste, C Klimmt
Journal of Family Research 32 (1), 45-71, 2020
Humorappelle in der Gesundheitskommunikation
U Schwarz, D Reifegerste
Handbuch der Gesundheitskommunikation: Kommunikationswissenschaftliche …, 2019
Gesundheitskommunikation für schwer erreichbare Zielgruppen
D Reifegerste
Handbuch Gesundheitskommunikation, 2014
Understanding the pathway of cancer information seeking: cancer information services as a supplement to information from other sources
D Reifegerste, M Rosset, F Czerwinski, E Baumann, A Gaisser, E Kludt, ...
Journal of Cancer Education, 1-10, 2023
Effective communication with caregivers to prevent unintentional injuries in children under seven years. A systematic review
P Stehr, D Reifegerste, C Rossmann, K Caspar, A Schulze, ...
Patient education and counseling 105 (8), 2721-2730, 2022
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