Steffen Hauf
Steffen Hauf
Head of Controls, European XFEL
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A MHz-repetition-rate hard X-ray free-electron laser driven by a superconducting linear accelerator
W Decking, S Abeghyan, P Abramian, A Abramsky, A Aguirre, C Albrecht, ...
Nature photonics 14 (6), 391-397, 2020
Megahertz serial crystallography
MO Wiedorn, D Oberthür, R Bean, R Schubert, N Werner, B Abbey, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 4025, 2018
Search for Solar Axions by the CERN Axion Solar Telescope with Buffer Gas: Closing the Hot Dark Matter Gap
M Arik, S Aune, K Barth, A Belov, S Borghi, H Bräuninger, G Cantatore, ...
Physical review letters 112 (9), 091302, 2014
Megahertz data collection from protein microcrystals at an X-ray free-electron laser
ML Grünbein, J Bielecki, A Gorel, M Stricker, R Bean, M Cammarata, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3487, 2018
Megahertz single-particle imaging at the European XFEL
E Sobolev, S Zolotarev, K Giewekemeyer, J Bielecki, K Okamoto, ...
Communications Physics 3 (1), 97, 2020
Radioactive decays in Geant4
S Hauf, M Kuster, M Batič, ZW Bell, DHH Hoffmann, PM Lang, S Neff, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 60 (4), 2966-2983, 2013
Membrane protein megahertz crystallography at the European XFEL
C Gisriel, J Coe, R Letrun, OM Yefanov, C Luna-Chavez, NE Stander, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 5021, 2019
The MiniSDD-based 1-mpixel camera of the DSSC project for the european XFEL
M Porro, L Andricek, S Aschauer, A Castoldi, M Donato, J Engelke, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 68 (6), 1334-1350, 2021
Performance of an LPD prototype detector at MHz frame rates under Synchrotron and FEL radiation
A Koch, M Hart, T Nicholls, C Angelsen, J Coughlan, M French, S Hauf, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 8 (11), C11001, 2013
The Karabo distributed control system
S Hauf, B Heisen, S Aplin, M Beg, M Bergemann, V Bondar, D Boukhelef, ...
Journal of synchrotron radiation 26 (5), 1448-1461, 2019
Detectors and calibration concept for the European XFEL
M Kuster, D Boukhelef, M Donato, JS Dambietz, S Hauf, L Maia, N Raab, ...
Synchrotron radiation news 27 (4), 35-38, 2014
Karabo: An integrated software framework combining control, data management, and scientific computing tasks
B Heisen, D Boukhelef, S Esenov, S Hauf, I Kozlova, L Maia, A Parenti, ...
14th International Conference on Accelerator & Large Experimental Physics …, 2013
Scientific instrument Femtosecond X-ray Experiments (FXE): instrumentation and baseline experimental capabilities
A Galler, W Gawelda, M Biednov, C Bomer, A Britz, S Brockhauser, ...
Journal of synchrotron radiation 26 (5), 1432-1447, 2019
Evaluation of serial crystallographic structure determination within megahertz pulse trains
O Yefanov, D Oberthür, R Bean, MO Wiedorn, J Knoska, G Pena, S Awel, ...
Structural Dynamics 6 (6), 2019
Segmented flow generator for serial crystallography at the European X-ray free electron laser
A Echelmeier, J Cruz Villarreal, M Messerschmidt, D Kim, JD Coe, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 4511, 2020
Validation of Geant4-based radioactive decay simulation
S Hauf, M Kuster, M Batič, ZW Bell, DHH Hoffmann, PM Lang, S Neff, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 60 (4), 2984-2997, 2013
Data analysis support in Karabo at European XFEL
H Fangohr, M Beg, V Bondar, S Aplin, A Barty, M Kuhn, V Mariani, ...
The large scale European XFEL control system: overview and status of the commissioning
A Aghababyan, R Bacher, P Bartkiewicz, C Youngman
Proceedings of the ICALEPCS 15, 2015
The 1-Megapixel pnCCD detector for the Small Quantum Systems Instrument at the European XFEL: system and operation aspects
M Kuster, K Ahmed, KE Ballak, C Danilevski, M Ekmedžić, B Fernandes, ...
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 28 (2), 576-587, 2021
Photon-shot-noise-limited transient absorption soft X-ray spectroscopy at the European XFEL
L Le Guyader, A Eschenlohr, M Beye, W Schlotter, F Döring, C Carinan, ...
Journal of synchrotron radiation 30 (2), 284-300, 2023
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