Annette Hautli-Janisz
Annette Hautli-Janisz
Prof. Dr., Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Passau
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Cited by
A large-scale comparison of human-written versus ChatGPT-generated essays
S Herbold, A Hautli-Janisz, U Heuer, Z Kikteva, A Trautsch
Scientific reports 13 (1), 18617, 2023
Towards tracking semantic change by visual analytics
C Rohrdantz, A Hautli, T Mayer, M Butt, D Keim, F Plank
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2011
Developing a finite-state morphological analyzer for Urdu and Hindi
T Bögel, M Butt, A Hautli, S Sulger
Universität Potsdam, 2008
AI, write an essay for me: A large-scale comparison of human-written versus ChatGPT-generated essays
S Herbold, A Hautli-Janisz, U Heuer, Z Kikteva, A Trautsch
arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.14276, 2023
Qt30: A corpus of argument and conflict in broadcast debate
A Hautli-Janisz, Z Kikteva, W Siskou, K Gorska, R Becker, C Reed
Proceedings of the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 3291-3300, 2022
Visual linguistic analysis of political discussions: Measuring deliberative quality
V Gold, M El-Assady, A Hautli-Janisz, T Bögel, C Rohrdantz, M Butt, ...
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 32 (1), 141-158, 2017
Interactive visual analysis of transcribed multi-party discourse
M El-Assady, A Hautli-Janisz, V Gold, M Butt, K Holzinger, DA Keim
Urdu/hindi modals
R Bhatt
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, 2011
A reference dependency bank for analyzing complex predicates
T Ahmed, M Butt, A Hautli-Janisz, S Sulger
Questions in argumentative dialogue
A Hautli-Janisz, K Budzynska, C McKillop, B Plüss, V Gold, C Reed
Journal of Pragmatics 188, 56-79, 2022
Lexical Semantics and Distribution of Suffixes-A Visual Analysis
C Rohrdantz, A Niekler, A Hautli, M Butt, D Keim
Proceedings of the EACL 2012 Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH, 7-15, 2012
The CLE urdu POS tagset
T Ahmed, S Urooj, S Hussain, A Mustafa, R Parveen, F Adeeba, ...
Urdu and the modular architecture of ParGram
T Bögel, M Butt, A Hautli, S Sulger
Proceedings of the Conference on Language and Technology 2009 (CLT09), 1-7, 2009
Identifying urdu complex predication via bigram extraction
M Butt, T Bögel, A Hautli-Janisz, S Sulger, T Ahmed
A multingual approach to question classification
AL Kalouli, K Kaiser, A Hautli-Janisz, GA Kaiser, M Butt
Automatic detection of causal relations in German multilogs
T Bögel, A Hautli, S Sulger, M Butt
Proceedings of the EACL 2014 Workshop on Computational Approaches to …, 2014
Developing a basic lexical resource for Urdu using Hindi WordNet
T Ahmed, A Hautli
Proceedings of CLT10, Islamabad, Pakistan, 2010
VisArgue: A visual text analytics framework for the study of deliberative communication
M El-Assady, V Gold, A Hautli-Janisz, W Jentner, M Butt, K Holzinger, ...
A first approach towards an Urdu WordNet
T Ahmed, A Hautli
Tafseer Ahmed, Annette Hautli (2015). A First Approach towards an Urdu …, 2015
lingvis. io-A linguistic visual analytics framework
M El-Assady, W Jentner, F Sperrle, R Sevastjanova, A Hautli, M Butt, ...
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2019
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Articles 1–20