Franziska Rebekka Richter
Franziska Rebekka Richter
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Distinct neural mechanisms underlie the success, precision, and vividness of episodic memory
FR Richter, RA Cooper, PM Bays, JS Simons
elife 5, e18260, 2016
Multimodal feature integration in the angular gyrus during episodic and semantic retrieval
HM Bonnici, FR Richter, Y Yazar, JS Simons
The Journal of Neuroscience 36 (20), 5462-5471, 2016
Reduced hippocampal functional connectivity during episodic memory retrieval in autism
RA Cooper, FR Richter, PM Bays, KC Plaisted-Grant, S Baron-Cohen, ...
Cerebral Cortex 27 (2), 888-902, 2017
Predicting the integration of overlapping memories by decoding mnemonic processing states during learning
FR Richter, AJH Chanales, BA Kuhl
Neuroimage 124, 323-335, 2016
Healthy ageing reduces the precision of episodic memory retrieval.
SM Korkki, FR Richter, P Jeyarathnarajah, JS Simons
Psychology and Aging 35 (1), 124, 2020
Memory and cognitive control in task switching
FR Richter, N Yeung
Psychological Science 23 (10), 1256-1263, 2012
Decomposing parietal memory reactivation to predict consequences of remembering
H Lee, R Samide, FR Richter, BA Kuhl
Cerebral Cortex 29 (8), 3305-3318, 2019
Interference between overlapping memories is predicted by neural states during learning
AJH Chanales, NM Dudukovic, FR Richter, BA Kuhl
Nature Communications 10 (1), 5363, 2019
Flexible updating of dynamic knowledge structures
FR Richter, PM Bays, P Jeyarathnarajah, JS Simons
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 2272, 2019
Neuroimaging studies of task switching
FR Richter, N Yeung
Task switching and cognitive control, 237-271, 2014
Corresponding influences of top-down control on task switching and long-term memory
FR Richter, N Yeung
Quarterly journal of experimental psychology 68 (6), 1124-1147, 2015
Hippocampal–cortical encoding activity predicts the precision of episodic memory
SM Korkki, FR Richter, JS Simons
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 33 (11), 2328-2341, 2021
Controlling conflict from interfering long-term memory representations
K Jost, PH Khader, P Düsel, FR Richter, KB Rohde, S Bien, F Rösler
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 24 (5), 1173-1190, 2012
ERP correlates of encoding success and encoding selectivity in attention switching
FR Richter, N Yeung
PLoS One 11 (12), e0167396, 2016
Predicting the integration of overlapping memories by decoding mnemonic processing states during learning. NeuroImage, 124 (Part A), 323–335
FR Richter, AJH Chanales, BA Kuhl
Episodic memory precision and reality monitoring following stimulation of angular gyrus
S Kwon, FR Richter, MJ Siena, JS Simons
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 34 (4), 687-698, 2022
Reduced memory precision in older age is associated with functional and structural differences in the angular gyrus
SM Korkki, FR Richter, HM Gellersen, JS Simons
Neurobiology of Aging 129, 109-120, 2023
Precise and imprecise memories may fool you: Continuous memory measures uncover different sources of errors in recognition memory
FR Richter
PsyArXiv, 2020
Prediction errors indexed by the P3 track the updating of complex long-term memory schemas
FR Richter
bioRxiv, 2020
Research data supporting" Healthy ageing reduces the precision of episodic memory retrieval"
S Korkki, F Richter, P Jeyarathnarajah, J Simons
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