Christopher Rider
Christopher Rider
Thomas C. Kinnear Professor & Associate Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies, University of Michigan
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A garage and an idea: what more does an entrepreneur need?
PG Audia, CI Rider
California Management Review 48 (1), 6-28, 2005
How Employees' Prior Affiliations Constrain Organizational Network Change: A Study of US Venture Capital and Private Equity
CI Rider
Administrative Science Quarterly 57 (3), 453-483, 2012
Labor market advantages of organizational status: A study of lateral partner hiring by large US law firms
CI Rider, D Tan
Organization Science 26 (2), 356-372, 2015
Entrepreneurs as organizational products revisited
PG Audia, CI Rider
The psychology of entrepreneurship, 145-162, 2006
Constraints on the control benefits of brokerage: A study of placement agents in US venture capital fundraising
CI Rider
Administrative Science Quarterly 54 (4), 575-601, 2009
Organizational Failure and Intraprofessional Status Loss
CI Rider, G Negro
Organization Science 26 (3), 633 - 649, 2015
Let them go? How losing employees to competitors can enhance firm status
D Tan, CI Rider
Strategic Management Journal 38 (9), 1848-1874, 2017
Experience and entrepreneurship: A career transition perspective
CI Rider, P Thompson, A Kacperczyk, J Tåg
ILR Review 72 (5), 1149-1181, 2019
Isolating the symbolic implications of employee mobility: price increases after hiring winemakers from prominent wineries
PW Roberts, M Khaire, CI Rider
American Economic Review 101 (3), 147, 2011
Close, but not the same: locally headquartered organizations and agglomeration economies in a declining industry
PG Audia, CI Rider
Research Policy 39 (3), 360-374, 2010
Racial disparity in leadership: Evidence of valuative bias in the promotions of National Football League coaches
CI Rider, JB Wade, A Swaminathan, A Schwab
American Journal of Sociology 129 (1), 227-275, 2023
Why are Firms Rigid? A General Framework and Empirical Tests.
RJP De Figueiredo, E Rawley, CI Rider
Organization Science 26 (5), 1502-1519, 2015
Educational credentials, hiring, and intra-occupational inequality: Evidence from law firm dissolutions
CI Rider
annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco …, 2014
They just fade away: mortality in the US venture capital industry
CI Rider, A Swaminathan
Industrial and Corporate Change 21 (1), 151-185, 2011
Discovery, discernment, and exploitation: Entrepreneurial mechanisms at the nexus of individual and opportunity
MA Barach, CI Rider
Strategic Management Journal 44 (12), 2858-2887, 2023
Supporting mental health at work (comment on “The epidemic of mental disorders in business”)
L Pierce, CI Rider
Administrative Science Quarterly 67 (1), 56-69, 2022
Retention is not a strategic imperative: on the pros and cons of employee turnover
CI Rider, D Tan
Handbook of research on strategic human capital resources, 458-471, 2019
Career mobility and racial diversity in law firms
CI Rider, AD Sterling, D Tan
Diversity in practice: Race, gender, and class in legal and professional …, 2016
The spatial scope of competition and the geographical distribution of entrepreneurship: magazine foundings and the US post office
HA Haveman, CI Rider
Sociological Science 1, 111-127, 2014
Still the same: The new venture diversity imperative and workforce segregation
J Chen, CI Rider
Manuscript, 2015
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