Antonio J. Macias
Antonio J. Macias
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Intangible assets and capital structure
SC Lim, AJ Macias, T Moeller
Journal of Banking & Finance 118, 105873, 2020
Material adverse change clauses and acquisition dynamics
DJ Denis, AJ Macias
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 48 (3), 819-847, 2013
Buyer beware: The mediating effects of deal initiation and method of sale in acquisitions
C Cain, A Macias, J Sanchez
SSRN Scholarly Paper ID 1339963, 2014
Merger negotiations in the shadow of judicial appraisal
A Boone, B Broughman, AJ Macias
The Journal of Law and Economics 62 (2), 281-319, 2019
Broken promises: The role of reputation in private equity contracting and strategic default
MD Cain, AJ Macias, SD Solomon
J. Corp. L. 40, 565, 2014
Consecuencias económicas de la Reforma de Gobierno Corporativo en un mercado de capitales emergente. Pruebas de México
AJ Macías, FJ Román
El trimestre económico 81 (322), 357-412, 2014
Shareholder approval thresholds in acquisitions: Evidence from tender offers
A Boone, B Broughman, AJ Macias
Journal of Corporate Finance 53, 225-245, 2018
Target signaling with material adverse change clauses in merger agreements
AJ Macias, T Moeller
Journal of Empirical Finance 39, 69-92, 2016
Can serial acquirers be profiled?
AJ Macias, PR Rau, A Stouraitis
Available at SSRN 2667649, 2016
Changing direction: Cross border acquisitions by emerging market firms
L Chernykh, IA Liebenberg, AJ Macias
Available at SSRN 1540260, 2011
Employees and the market for corporate control
A Macias, C Pirinsky
Journal of Corporate Finance 31, 33-53, 2015
Efficacy of 0.1 mg of subarachnoid morphine combined with bupivacaine on postoperative analgesia in total hip arthroplasty
MS JM, JI Fernandez-Liesa, G Marco, A Panadero, MJ Sanchez-Ledesma, ...
Revista Espanola de Anestesiologia y Reanimacion 46 (10), 433-437, 1999
Risk pricing and flexibility in acquisitions: The economic impact of material-adverse-change (MACs) clauses
A Macias
AFA 2009 San Francisco Meetings Paper, 2008
Anticipating acquirers
AJ Macias, PR Rau, A Stouraitis
Available at SSRN 3526572, 2020
Solving Serial Acquirer Puzzles
AJ Macias, PR Rau, A Stouraitis
The Review of Corporate Finance Studies, cfad015, 2023
Shareholder Decision Rights in Acquisitions: Evidence from Tender Offers
A Boone, B Broughman, AJ Macias
Indiana Legal Studies Research Paper, 2016
Ethics, Adverse Selection, Target Method of Sale Strategies, and Akerlof’ s †œLemons†Problem
CL Cain, GM Fleischman, AJ Macias, JM Sanchez
Accounting and Finance Research 10 (3), 1-1, 2021
Do Appraisal Challenges Benefit Target Shareholders through Narrowing Arbitrage Spread? A Reply
A Boone, B Broughman, AJ Macias
The Journal of Law and Economics 63 (4), 817-820, 2020
Amicus Brief of Law and Finance Professors in Verition Partners v. Aruba Networks (Appraisal Lawsuit)
BJ Broughman, AL Boone, AH Choi, JM Fried, M Ganor, AJ Macias, ...
Aruba Networks (Appraisal Lawsuit)(October 3, 2018), 2018
An Analysis of the Characteristics of Firms Conducting Corporate Events Inside and Outside Waves
AJ Macias, PR Rau, A Stouraitis
Available at SSRN 2867992, 2016
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Articles 1–20