Yannick Feld
Yannick Feld
Institut de Physique Theorique (CEA)
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Cited by
Augmenting bicycles and helmets with multimodal warnings for children
A Matviienko, S Ananthanarayan, SS Borojeni, Y Feld, W Heuten, S Boll
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Human-Computer …, 2018
Large-deviations of the basin stability of power grids
Y Feld, AK Hartmann
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 29 (11), 113103, 2019
VapeTracker: Tracking vapor consumption to help e-cigarette users quit
A El Ali, A Matviienko, Y Feld, W Heuten, S Boll
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors …, 2016
Large deviations of a susceptible-infected-recovered model around the epidemic threshold
Y Feld, AK Hartmann
Physical Review E 105 (3), 034313, 2022
Large-deviation properties of SIR model incorporating protective measures
T Marks, Y Feld, AK Hartmann
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2023
Large-deviations of disease spreading dynamics with vaccination
Y Feld, AK Hartmann
Plos one 18 (7), e0287932, 2023
Designing Metaphor-Based Ambient Tangible Artifacts to Support Workspace Awareness
A Matviienko, A El Ali, C Hilmer, Y Feld, W Heuten, S Boll
i-com 17 (3), 219-235, 2018
Resetting by rescaling: Exact results for a diffusing particle in one dimension
M Biroli, Y Feld, AK Hartmann, SN Majumdar, G Schehr
Physical Review E 110 (4), 044142, 2024
Coexistence of asynchronous and clustered dynamics in noisy inhibitory neural networks
Y Feld, AK Hartmann, A Torcini
New Journal of Physics, 2024
Non-analytic behaviour in large-deviations of the susceptible-infected-recovered model under the influence of lockdowns
LP Mulholland, Y Feld, AK Hartmann
New Journal of Physics 25 (11), 113034, 2023
Rare Events of Host Switching for Diseases using a SIR Model with Mutations
Y Feld, AK Hartmann
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.13558, 2023
Non-Analytic Behaviour in Large-deviations of the SIR model under the influence of Lockdowns
LP Mulholland, Y Feld, AK Hartmann
New Journal of Physics, 2023
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Articles 1–12