Adam Aiken
Adam Aiken
Assistant Professor of Finance, Elon University
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Cited by
Out of the dark: Hedge fund reporting biases and commercial databases
AL Aiken, CP Clifford, J Ellis
The Review of Financial Studies 26 (1), 208-243, 2013
Hedge Funds and Discretionary Liquidity Restrictions
A Aiken, C Clifford, J Ellis
The value of funds of hedge funds: Evidence from their holdings
AL Aiken, CP Clifford, J Ellis
Management Science 61 (10), 2415-2429, 2015
Do politicians “put their money where their mouth is?” Ideology and portfolio choice
AL Aiken, JA Ellis, M Kang
Management Science 66 (1), 376-396, 2020
Let's talk sooner rather than later: The strategic communication decisions of activist blockholders
AL Aiken, C Lee
Journal of Corporate Finance 62, 101593, 2020
Funding liquidity risk and the dynamics of hedge fund lockups
AL Aiken, CP Clifford, JA Ellis, Q Huang
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 56 (4), 1321-1349, 2021
Side‐by‐side management of mutual funds and actively managed exchange traded funds
AL Aiken, DE Sherrill, K Upton
Financial Review 57 (3), 533-557, 2022
Can hedge funds time global equity markets? evidence from emerging markets
AL Aiken, O Kilic, S Reid
Review of Financial Economics 29, 2-11, 2016
Attention to Detail: Learning About Mergers
AL Aiken, C Lee
Available at SSRN 4036886, 2022
Discretionary liquidity: Hedge funds, side pockets, and gates
A Aiken, CP Clifford, J Ellis
Funding risk, patient capital, and the dynamics of hedge fund lockups
AL Aiken, CP Clifford, JA Ellis, Q Huang
Unpublished working paper, 2015
Hedge fund manager timing and selectivity skill over time. A holdings-based estimate
AL Aiken, M Kang
Finance Research Letters 58, 104439, 2023
The CFA Program and Mutual Fund Voting on Environmental and Social Proposals
AL Aiken, C Lee, HZ Yuksel
Available at SSRN 4691783, 2024
Granularity of Corporate Debt Jaewon Choi, Dirk Hackbarth, and Josef Zechner How Does Forced-CEO-Turnover Experience Affect Directors? Jesse Ellis, Lixiong Guo, and Shawn Mobbs …
RC Silva, E Jondeau, Q Zhang, X Zhu, S Amiri-Moghadam, S Javadi, ...
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Articles 1–14