Lutz Schmitt
Lutz Schmitt
Professor für Biochemie, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf
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New developments in RiPP discovery, enzymology and engineering
M Montalbán-López, TA Scott, S Ramesh, IR Rahman, AJ Van Heel, ...
Natural product reports 38 (1), 130-239, 2021
A structural classification of substrate-binding proteins
PAB Ronnie, SHJ Smits, L Schmitt, DJ Slotboom, B Poolman
FEBS Letters 584, 2606-2617, 2010
H662 is the linchpin of ATP hydrolysis in the nucleotide‐binding domain of the ABC transporter HlyB
J Zaitseva, S Jenewein, T Jumpertz, IB Holland, L Schmitt
The EMBO journal 24 (11), 1901-1910, 2005
Structure and mechanism of ABC transporters
L Schmitt, R Tampé
Current opinion in structural biology 12 (6), 754-760, 2002
Type 1 protein secretion in bacteria, the ABC-transporter dependent pathway
IB Holland, L Schmitt, J Young
Molecular membrane biology 22 (1-2), 29-39, 2005
The type 1 secretion pathway—the hemolysin system and beyond
S Thomas, IB Holland, L Schmitt
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Cell Research 1843 (8), 1629-1641, 2014
Synthesis and characterization of chelator-lipids for reversible immobilization of engineered proteins at self-assembled lipid interfaces
L Schmitt, C Dietrich, R Tampe
Journal of the American Chemical Society 116 (19), 8485-8491, 1994
Crystal structure of the nucleotide-binding domain of the ABC-transporter haemolysin B: identification of a variable region within ABC helical domains
L Schmitt, H Benabdelhak, MA Blight, IB Holland, MT Stubbs
Journal of molecular biology 330 (2), 333-342, 2003
Structural and functional diversity calls for a new classification of ABC transporters
C Thomas, SG Aller, K Beis, EP Carpenter, G Chang, L Chen, E Dassa, ...
FEBS letters 594 (23), 3767-3775, 2020
A metal-chelating microscopy tip as a new toolbox for single-molecule experiments by atomic force microscopy
L Schmitt, M Ludwig, HE Gaub, R Tampe
Biophysical Journal 78 (6), 3275-3285, 2000
The motor domains of ABC-transporters: what can structures tell us?
C Oswald, IB Holland, L Schmitt
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology 372, 385-399, 2006
A structural analysis of asymmetry required for catalytic activity of an ABC‐ATPase domain dimer
J Zaitseva, C Oswald, T Jumpertz, S Jenewein, A Wiedenmann, ...
The EMBO journal 25 (14), 3432-3443, 2006
A mutation of the H-loop selectively affects rhodamine transport by the yeast multidrug ABC transporter Pdr5
R Ernst, P Kueppers, CM Klein, T Schwarzmueller, K Kuchler, L Schmitt
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (13), 5069-5074, 2008
Multidrug efflux pumps: Substrate selection in ATP‐binding cassette multidrug efflux pumps–first come, first served?
R Ernst, P Kueppers, J Stindt, K Kuchler, L Schmitt
FEBS Journal 277 (3), 540-549, 2009
De novo bile salt transporter antibodies as a possible cause of recurrent graft failure after liver transplantation: a novel mechanism of cholestasis
V Keitel, M Burdelski, Z Vojnisek, L Schmitt, D Häussinger, R Kubitz
Hepatology 50 (2), 510-517, 2009
Type I secretion systems–a story of appendices
K Kanonenberg, CKW Schwarz, L Schmitt
Research in microbiology 164 (6), 596-604, 2013
Molecular organization of histidine-tagged biomolecules at self-assembled lipid interfaces using a novel class of chelator lipids.
C Dietrich, L Schmitt, R Tampe
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 92 (20), 9014-9018, 1995
Functional characterization and ATP-induced dimerization of the isolated ABC-domain of the haemolysin B transporter
J Zaitseva, S Jenewein, A Wiedenmann, H Benabdelhak, IB Holland, ...
Biochemistry 44 (28), 9680-9690, 2005
Sequencing of FIC1, BSEP and MDR3 in a large cohort of patients with cholestasis revealed a high number of different genetic variants
C Dröge, M Bonus, U Baumann, C Klindt, E Lainka, S Kathemann, ...
Journal of hepatology 67 (6), 1253-1264, 2017
Crystal structures of the choline/acetylcholine substrate-binding protein ChoX from Sinorhizobium meliloti in the liganded and unliganded-closed states
C Oswald, SHJ Smits, M Hoing, L Sohn-Bosser, L Dupont, D Le Rudulier, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 283 (47), 32848-32859, 2008
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