Olaf Mersmann
Olaf Mersmann
TH Köln
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Cited by
COCO: A platform for comparing continuous optimizers in a black-box setting
N Hansen, A Auger, R Ros, O Mersmann, T Tušar, D Brockhoff
Optimization Methods and Software 36 (1), 114-144, 2021
Exploratory landscape analysis
O Mersmann, B Bischl, H Trautmann, M Preuss, C Weihs, G Rudolph
Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2011
Resampling methods for meta-model validation with recommendations for evolutionary computation
B Bischl, O Mersmann, H Trautmann, C Weihs
Evolutionary computation 20 (2), 249-275, 2012
tuneR: Analysis of music and speech
U Ligges, S Krey, O Mersmann, S Schnackenberg
See https://CRAN. R-project. org/package= tuneR, 2018
Evolutionary algorithms
T Bartz‐Beielstein, J Branke, J Mehnen, O Mersmann
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 4 (3 …, 2014
Algorithm selection based on exploratory landscape analysis and cost-sensitive learning
B Bischl, O Mersmann, H Trautmann, M Preuß
Proceedings of the 14th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2012
microbenchmark: Accurate timing functions
O Mersmann, C Beleites, R Hurling, A Friedman
R package version 1 (4-2), 1, 2015
Benchmarking evolutionary algorithms: Towards exploratory landscape analysis
O Mersmann, M Preuss, H Trautmann
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, PPSN XI: 11th International Conference …, 2010
tuneR: Analysis of music
U Ligges, S Krey, O Mersmann, S Schnackenberg
URL: http://r-forge. r-project. org/projects/tuner, 2013
A novel feature-based approach to characterize algorithm performance for the traveling salesperson problem
O Mersmann, B Bischl, H Trautmann, M Wagner, J Bossek, F Neumann
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 69, 151-182, 2013
Package ‘truncnorm’
O Mersmann, H Trautmann, D Steuer, B Bornkamp, MO Mersmann
R package version, 1.0-8, 2018
BatchJobs and BatchExperiments: Abstraction mechanisms for using R in batch environments
B Bischl, M Lang, O Mersmann, J Rahnenführer, C Weihs
Journal of Statistical Software 64, 1-25, 2015
Analyzing the BBOB results by means of benchmarking concepts
O Mersmann, M Preuss, H Trautmann, B Bischl, C Weihs
Evolutionary computation 23 (1), 161-185, 2015
Hyperparameter tuning for machine and deep learning with R: A practical guide
E Bartz, T Bartz-Beielstein, M Zaefferer, O Mersmann
Springer Nature, 2023
Truncnorm: Truncated normal distribution
O Mersmann, H Trautmann, D Steuer, B Bornkamp
R package version, 1.0-8, 2018
microbenchmark: Accurate timing functions, 2015
O Mersmann, C Beleites, R Hurling, A Friedman, JM Ulrich
URL https://CRAN. R-project. org/package= microbenchmark. R package version …, 2004
Local search and the traveling salesman problem: A feature-based characterization of problem hardness
O Mersmann, B Bischl, J Bossek, H Trautmann, M Wagner, F Neumann
Learning and Intelligent Optimization: 6th International Conference, LION 6 …, 2012
COCO: The experimental procedure
N Hansen, T Tusar, O Mersmann, A Auger, D Brockhoff
arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.08776, 2016
mco: Multiple criteria optimization algorithms and related functions
O Mersmann, H Trautmann, D Steuer, B Bischl, K Deb
R package version, 1.0-15, 2014
emoa: Evolutionary multiobjective optimization algorithms
O Mersmann
R package version 0.5-0, 2012
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Articles 1–20