Philip Rathgeb
Philip Rathgeb
Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer), University of Edinburgh
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Makers against takers: the socio-economic ideology and policy of the Austrian Freedom Party
P Rathgeb
West European Politics 44 (3), 635-660, 2020
Authoritarian values and the welfare state: the social policy preferences of radical right voters
MR Busemeyer, P Rathgeb, AHJ Sahm
West European Politics 45 (1), 77-101, 2022
How the Eurozone disempowers trade unions: the political economy of competitive internal devaluation
P Rathgeb, A Tassinari
Socio-economic review 20 (1), 323-350, 2022
How to study the populist radical right and the welfare state?
P Rathgeb, MR Busemeyer
West European Politics 45 (1), 1-23, 2022
Strong governments, precarious workers: Labor market policy in the era of liberalization
P Rathgeb
ILR Press, 2018
When weak governments confront inclusive trade unions: The politics of protecting labour market outsiders in the age of dualization
P Rathgeb
European Journal of Industrial Relations 24 (1), 5-22, 2018
When do social democratic parties unite over tough immigration policy?
P Rathgeb, F Wolkenstein
West European Politics 45 (5), 979-1002, 2022
No Flexicurity without trade unions: The Danish experience
P Rathgeb
Comparative European Politics 17, 1-21, 2019
Relying on weak governments: Austrian trade unions and the politics of smoothed dualization
P Rathgeb
Varieties of just transition? Eco-social policy approaches at the international level
L Cigna, T Fischer, EH Abuannab, E Heins, P Rathgeb
Social Policy and Society 22 (4), 730-746, 2023
Protagonists or consenters: radical right parties and attacks on trade unions
P Rathgeb, MB Klitgaard
Journal of European Public Policy 29 (7), 1049-1071, 2022
Deserving Austrians first: The impact of the radical right on the Austrian welfare state
P Rathgeb, M Gruber-Risak
Comp. Lab. L. & Pol'y J. 42, 43, 2021
Unemployment benefit governance, trade unions and outsider protection in conservative welfare states
D Clegg, E Heins, P Rathgeb
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 28 (2), 195-210, 2022
How the radical right has changed capitalism and welfare in Europe and the USA
P Rathgeb
Oxford University Press, 2024
How the Eurozone shapes populism: a comparative political economy approach
P Rathgeb, J Hopkin
Journal of European Public Policy, 1-24, 2023
Österreichische Familienpolitik verstärkt Geschlechterungleichheit
P Rathgeb, T Wiß
Momentum Institut, 2020
Third-way à la française: what do Macron’s reforms involve and how likely are they to succeed?
P Rathgeb, F Wolkenstein
LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog, 2017
Strong governments, precarious workers: labour market policy-making in the era of liberalisation
P Rathgeb
European University Institute, 2016
The Radical Right and Welfare Politics: Causes and Consequences
P Rathgeb, MR Busemeyer
Routledge, Taylor et Francis Group, 2021
Reconstructing Solidarity: Labour Unions, Precarious Work, and the Politics of Institutional Change in Europe, Oxford: Oxford University Press,£ 63.00, pp. 270, hbk.
P Rathgeb
Journal of Social Policy 49 (3), 668-670, 2020
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