Christian Stauch
Christian Stauch
PhD candidate, Systems Theory and Control Engineering, Saarland University
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Zitiert von
Parameter identification, fault detection and localization for an electrical transmission line
N Gehring, C Stauch, J Rudolph
2016 European Control Conference (ECC), 2090-2095, 2016
Control-oriented modelling and development of a model-based switching algorithm for a digital hydraulic independent metering cylinder drive
C Stauch, J Rudolph
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of …, 2016
Some Aspects of Modelling, Dimensioning, and Control of Digital Flow Control Units
C Stauch, J Rudolph, F Schulz
Seventh Workshop on Digital Fluid Power, 101-113, 2015
Energy Recovery Using a Digital Piston-Type Accumulator
C Stauch, F Schulz, P Bruck, J Rudolph
5th Workshop on Digital Fluid Power, DFP12, 57-73, 2012
Energy Saving Using a Multi-Chamber Accumulator: Experimental Results and Proof of Concept
C Stauch, J Rudolph
14th Scandinavian International Conference on Fluid Power, 2015
Algebraic parameter identification for infinite dimensional fluid transmission line models
C Stauch, N Gehring, J Rudolph
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of …, 2013
Algebraic identification of fluid parameters using transmission line dynamics
N Gehring, J Rudolph, C Stauch
13th Mechatronics Forum International Conference, 930-935, 2012
Increased energy efficiency of hydraulic hybrid drives by means of a multi-chamber accumulator
F Bauer, D Feld, C Stauch
Identification of transmission line parameters using algebraic methods
N Gehring, J Rudolph, C Stauch
PAMM - Proc. in Appl. Mathem. and Mechanics 12 (1), 727-728, 2012
Flatness Based Control for a Digital Hydraulic System
C Stauch, J Rudolph
9th International Fluid Power Conference, 466-477, 2014
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