Radical right-wing populism in Western Europe HG Betz Springer, 1994 | 3240 | 1994 |
The new politics of resentment: Radical right-wing populist parties in Western Europe HG Betz Comparative politics, 413-427, 1993 | 833 | 1993 |
Globalization, the welfare state and right-wing populism in Western Europe D Swank, HG Betz Socio-Economic Review 1 (2), 215-245, 2003 | 781 | 2003 |
The new politics of the right: Neo-populist parties and movements in established democracies HG Betz, S Immerfall Macmillan, 1998 | 690 | 1998 |
Against the current—stemming the tide: the nostalgic ideology of the contemporary radical populist right HG Betz, C Johnson Journal of Political Ideologies 9 (3), 311-327, 2004 | 592 | 2004 |
Conditions favouring the success and failure of radical right-wing populist parties in contemporary democracies HG Betz Democracies and the populist challenge, 197-213, 2002 | 300 | 2002 |
Revisiting Lepanto: the political mobilization against Islam in contemporary Western Europe HG Betz, S Meret Anti-Muslim Prejudice, 104-125, 2013 | 289 | 2013 |
La droite populiste en Europe: extrême et démocrate? HG Betz, G Brzustowski, P Perrineau (No Title), 2004 | 199 | 2004 |
Exclusionary Populism in Austria, Italy, and Switzerland HG Betz International Journal 56 (3), 393-420, 2001 | 190 | 2001 |
The two faces of radical right-wing populism in Western Europe HG Betz The Review of Politics 55 (4), 663-686, 1993 | 184 | 1993 |
Xenophobia, identity politics and exclusionary populism in Western Europe HG Betz Socialist Register 39, 2003 | 164 | 2003 |
Nativism across time and space HG Betz Swiss Political Science Review 23 (4), 335-353, 2017 | 134 | 2017 |
The growing threat of the radical right HG Betz Right-wing extremism in the twenty-first century, 85-104, 2004 | 133 | 2004 |
Politics of resentment: Right-wing radicalism in West Germany HG Betz Comparative politics 23 (1), 45-60, 1990 | 131 | 1990 |
Mosques, minarets, burqas and other essential threats: The populist right’s campaign against Islam in Western Europe HG Betz Right-wing populism in Europe: Politics and discourse, 71-88, 2013 | 124 | 2013 |
Right-wing populist parties and the working-class vote: What have you done for us lately? HG Betz, S Meret Class politics and the radical right, 107-121, 2012 | 118 | 2012 |
The radical right and populism HG Betz The Oxford handbook of the radical right, 86-104, 2018 | 117 | 2018 |
The extreme right in Belgium-of a non-existing front national and an omnipresent Vlaams Blok M Swyngedouw St. Martins Press; USA, 1998 | 116 | 1998 |
Postmodernism and the new middle class HG Betz Theory, Culture & Society 9 (2), 93-114, 1992 | 113 | 1992 |
Rechtspopulismus in Westeuropa: aktuelle Entwicklungen und politische Bedeutung HG Betz Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 31 (3), 251-264, 2002 | 109 | 2002 |