Orestis Schinas
Orestis Schinas
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Feasibility and commercial considerations of LNG-fueled ships
O Schinas, M Butler
Ocean Engineering 122, 84-96, 2016
Cost assessment of environmental regulation and options for marine operators
O Schinas, CN Stefanakos
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 25, 81-99, 2012
Selecting technologies towards compliance with MARPOL Annex VI: The perspective of operators
O Schinas, CN Stefanakos
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 28, 28-40, 2014
Assessing the impact of the maritime silk road
O Schinas, AG von Westarp
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science 2 (3), 186-195, 2017
Forecasting bunker prices; A nonstationary, multivariate methodology
CN Stefanakos, O Schinas
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 38, 177-194, 2014
Fuzzy real options and shared savings: Investment appraisal for green shipping technologies
D Metzger, O Schinas
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 77, 1-10, 2019
HSBA handbook on ship finance
O Schinas, C Grau, M Johns
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015
Examining the use and application of multi-criteria decision making techniques in safety assessment
O Schinas
International symposium on maritime safety, security and environmental …, 2007
Financing green ships through export credit schemes
O Schinas, HH Ross, TD Rossol
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 65, 300-311, 2018
A fuzzy approach for container positioning considering sustainable profit optimization
AG von Westarp, O Schinas
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 92, 56-66, 2016
Energy supply security for the Aegean islands: A routing model with risk and environmental considerations
C Iliopoulou, K Kepaptsoglou, O Schinas
Energy Policy 113, 608-620, 2018
A pay-as-you-save model for the promotion of greening technologies in shipping
O Schinas, D Metzger
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 69, 184-195, 2019
Cyber-seaworthiness: A critical review of the literature
O Schinas, D Metzger
Marine Policy 151, 105592, 2023
Emissions trading in the aviation and maritime sector: Findings from a revised taxonomy
O Schinas, N Bergmann
Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 1, 100003, 2021
Fuzzy time series forecasting of bunker prices: Nonstationary considerations
C Stefanakos, O Schinas
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs 14, 177-199, 2015
Empirical evidence of the interplay of energy performance and the value of ships
HH Ross, O Schinas
Ocean Engineering 190, 106403, 2019
The cost of SOx limits to marine operators; results from exploring marine fuel prices
O Schinas, C Stefanakos
TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea …, 2013
New frontiers through short sea shipping
OD Schinas, HN Psaraftis
SNAME National Conference, Ottawa, 1997
The short-term cost of greening the global fleet
O Schinas, N Bergmann
Sustainability 13 (16), 9439, 2021
The Mediterranean Ports in the Era of Mega-carriers: A Strategic Approach (< Special Issue> Maga-Container Ship and Container Terminal)
O Schinas, S Papadimitriou
Navigation 149, 45-64, 2001
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