Taylor Shelton
Taylor Shelton
Associate Professor, Department of Geosciences, Georgia State University
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The 'actually existing smart city'
T Shelton, M Zook, A Wiig
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 8 (1), 13-25, 2015
Volunteered geographic information and crowdsourcing disaster relief: a case study of the Haitian earthquake
M Zook, M Graham, T Shelton, S Gorman
World Medical & Health Policy 2 (2), 7-33, 2010
Beyond the geotag: situating 'big data' and leveraging the potential of the geoweb
JW Crampton, M Graham, A Poorthuis, T Shelton, M Stephens, ...
Cartography and Geographic Information Science 40 (2), 130-139, 2013
Social media and the city: Rethinking urban socio-spatial inequality using user-generated geographic information
T Shelton, A Poorthuis, M Zook
Landscape and Urban Planning 142, 198-211, 2015
Geography and the future of big data, big data and the future of geography
M Graham, T Shelton
Dialogues in Human Geography 3 (3), 255-261, 2013
Mapping the data shadows of Hurricane Sandy: Uncovering the sociospatial dimensions of ‘big data’
T Shelton, A Poorthuis, M Graham, M Zook
Geoforum 52, 167-179, 2014
Actually existing smart citizens: expertise and (non) participation in the making of the smart city
T Shelton, T Lodato
City 23 (1), 35-52, 2019
Revisiting critical GIS
J Thatcher, L Bergmann, B Ricker, R Rose-Redwood, D O'Sullivan, ...
Environment and Planning A 48 (5), 815-824, 2016
A post-truth pandemic?
T Shelton
Big Data & Society 7 (2), 1-6, 2020
The Technology of Religion: Mapping Religious Cyberscapes
T Shelton, M Zook, M Graham
The Professional Geographer 64 (4), 602-617, 2012
Community geography: Toward a disciplinary framework
J Shannon, KB Hankins, T Shelton, AJ Bosse, D Scott, D Block, H Fischer, ...
Progress in Human Geography 45 (5), 1147-1168, 2021
The urban geographical imagination in the age of big data
T Shelton
Big Data & Society 4 (1), 1-14, 2017
Spatialities of data: mapping social media ‘beyond the geotag’
T Shelton
GeoJournal 82 (4), 721-734, 2017
Using Geotagged Digital Social Data in Geographic Research
A Poorthuis, M Zook, T Shelton, M Graham, M Stephens
Key Methods in Geography, 248-269, 2016
The nature of neighborhoods: using big data to rethink the geographies of Atlanta’s Neighborhood Planning Unit system
T Shelton, A Poorthuis
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 109 (5), 1341-1361, 2019
Rethinking the RECAP: mapping the relational geographies of concentrated poverty and affluence in Lexington, Kentucky
T Shelton
Urban Geography 39 (7), 1070-1091, 2018
Mapping dispossession: Eviction, foreclosure and the multiple geographies of housing instability in Lexington, Kentucky
T Shelton
Geoforum 97, 281-291, 2018
Changing neighborhoods, shifting connections: mapping relational geographies of gentrification using social media data
A Poorthuis, T Shelton, M Zook
Urban Geography 43 (7), 960-983, 2022
Technocratic Values and Uneven Development in the “Smart City”
T Shelton, J Clark
Metropolitics, 2016
Situated mapping: visualizing urban inequality between the god trick and strategic positivism
T Shelton
ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 21 (4), 346-356, 2022
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