Arko Graf
Arko Graf
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Large scale, selective dispersion of long single-walled carbon nanotubes with high photoluminescence quantum yield by shear force mixing
A Graf, Y Zakharko, SP Schießl, C Backes, M Pfohl, BS Flavel, J Zaumseil
Carbon 105, 593-599, 2016
Correlating the transition dipole moment orientation of phosphorescent emitter molecules in OLEDs with basic material properties
A Graf, P Liehm, C Murawski, S Hofmann, K Leo, MC Gather
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2 (48), 10298-10304, 2014
Electrical pumping and tuning of exciton-polaritons in carbon nanotube microcavities
A Graf, M Held, Y Zakharko, L Tropf, MC Gather, J Zaumseil
Nature materials 16 (9), 911-917, 2017
Near-infrared exciton-polaritons in strongly coupled single-walled carbon nanotube microcavities
A Graf, L Tropf, Y Zakharko, J Zaumseil, MC Gather
Nature communications 7 (1), 13078, 2016
Aerosol‐jet printing of polymer‐sorted (6, 5) carbon nanotubes for field‐effect transistors with high reproducibility
M Rother, M Brohmann, S Yang, SB Grimm, SP Schießl, A Graf, ...
Advanced Electronic Materials 3 (8), 1700080, 2017
Fitting single-walled carbon nanotube optical spectra
M Pfohl, DD Tune, A Graf, J Zaumseil, R Krupke, BS Flavel
ACS omega 2 (3), 1163-1171, 2017
Plasmonic crystals for strong light–matter coupling in carbon nanotubes
Y Zakharko, A Graf, J Zaumseil
Nano letters 16 (10), 6504-6510, 2016
Infrared organic light‐emitting diodes with carbon nanotube emitters
A Graf, C Murawski, Y Zakharko, J Zaumseil, MC Gather
Advanced Materials 30 (12), 1706711, 2018
Probing the diameter limit of single walled carbon nanotubes in SWCNT: fullerene solar cells
M Pfohl, K Glaser, A Graf, A Mertens, DD Tune, T Puerckhauer, A Alam, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 6 (21), 1600890, 2016
Ultrastrong coupling of electrically pumped near‐infrared exciton‐polaritons in high mobility polymers
M Held, A Graf, Y Zakharko, P Chao, L Tropf, MC Gather, J Zaumseil
Advanced Optical Materials 6 (3), 1700962, 2018
Electroluminescence generation in PbS quantum dot light-emitting field-effect transistors with solid-state gating
AG Shulga, S Kahmann, DN Dirin, A Graf, J Zaumseil, MV Kovalenko, ...
ACS nano 12 (12), 12805-12813, 2018
From broadband to electrochromic notch filters with printed monochiral carbon nanotubes
FJ Berger, TM Higgins, M Rother, A Graf, Y Zakharko, S Allard, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (13), 11135-11142, 2018
Broadband tunable, polarization-selective and directional emission of (6, 5) carbon nanotubes coupled to plasmonic crystals
Y Zakharko, A Graf, SP Schießl, B Hähnlein, J Pezoldt, MC Gather, ...
Nano letters 16 (5), 3278-3284, 2016
Radiative pumping and propagation of plexcitons in diffractive plasmonic crystals
Y Zakharko, M Rother, A Graf, B Hähnlein, M Brohmann, J Pezoldt, ...
Nano Letters 18 (8), 4927-4933, 2018
Surface lattice resonances for enhanced and directional electroluminescence at high current densities
Y Zakharko, M Held, A Graf, T Rödlmeier, R Eckstein, ...
ACS photonics 3 (12), 2225-2230, 2016
Absence of Charge Transfer State Enables Very Low VOC Losses in SWCNT:Fullerene Solar Cells
A Classen, L Einsiedler, T Heumueller, A Graf, M Brohmann, F Berger, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 9 (1), 1801913, 2019
Trion-polariton formation in single-walled carbon nanotube microcavities
C Möhl, A Graf, FJ Berger, J Lüttgens, Y Zakharko, V Lumsargis, ...
ACS photonics 5 (6), 2074-2080, 2018
Superlocalization of excitons in carbon nanotubes at cryogenic temperature
C Raynaud, T Claude, A Borel, MR Amara, A Graf, J Zaumseil, JS Lauret, ...
Nano letters 19 (10), 7210-7216, 2019
Direct visualization of percolation paths in carbon nanotube/polymer composites
A Malhofer, M Rother, Y Zakharko, A Graf, SP Schießl, J Zaumseil
Organic Electronics 45, 151-158, 2017
Preparation of WS 2–PMMA composite films for optical applications
BM Szydłowska, A Graf, A Kelly, WJ Blau, MC Gather, J Zaumseil, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 8 (31), 10805-10815, 2020
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