Neeraj Arora
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Cited by
Putting one-to-one marketing to work: Personalization, customization, and choice
N Arora, X Dreze, A Ghose, JD Hess, R Iyengar, B Jing, Y Joshi, V Kumar, ...
Marketing Letters 19, 305-321, 2008
On the heterogeneity of demand
GM Allenby, N Arora, JL Ginter
Journal of Marketing Research 35 (3), 384-389, 1998
Embedded premium promotion: Why it works and how to make it more effective
N Arora, T Henderson
Marketing Science 26 (4), 514-531, 2007
Incorporating prior knowledge into the analysis of conjoint studies
GM Allenby, N Arora, JL Ginter
Journal of Marketing Research 32 (2), 152-162, 1995
A hierarchical Bayes model of primary and secondary demand
N Arora, GM Allenby, JL Ginter
Marketing Science 17 (1), 29-44, 1998
Measuring the influence of individual preference structures in group decision making
N Arora, GM Allenby
Journal of Marketing Research 36 (4), 476-487, 1999
Improving parameter estimates and model prediction by aggregate customization in choice experiments
N Arora, J Huber
Journal of Consumer Research 28 (2), 273-283, 2001
Discrete and continuous representations of unobserved heterogeneity in choice modeling
M Wedel, W Kamakura, N Arora, A Bemmaor, J Chiang, T Elrod, ...
Marketing Letters 10, 219-232, 1999
Spatial models in marketing
ET Bradlow, B Bronnenberg, GJ Russell, N Arora, DR Bell, SD Duvvuri, ...
Marketing letters 16, 267-278, 2005
Promoting brands across categories with a social cause: Implementing effective embedded premium programs
T Henderson, N Arora
Journal of Marketing 74 (6), 41-60, 2010
Understanding the role of preference revision and concession in group decisions
A Aribarg, N Arora, HO Bodur
Journal of Marketing Research 39 (3), 336-349, 2002
Online price search: Impact of price comparison sites on offline price evaluations
HO Bodur, NM Klein, N Arora
Journal of Retailing 91 (1), 125-139, 2015
Private label imitation of a national brand: Implications for consumer choice and law
A Aribarg, N Arora, T Henderson, Y Kim
Journal of Marketing Research 51 (6), 657-675, 2014
The impact of household level heterogeneity in reference price effects on optimal retailer pricing policies
PK Kopalle, PK Kannan, LB Boldt, N Arora
Journal of Retailing 88 (1), 102-114, 2012
Efficient choice designs for a consider-then-choose model
Q Liu, N Arora
Marketing Science 30 (2), 321-338, 2011
Predicting joint choice using individual data
A Aribarg, N Arora, MY Kang
Marketing Science 29 (1), 139-157, 2010
Research Note—Interbrand Variant Overlap: Impact on Brand Preference and Portfolio Profit
A Aribarg, N Arora
Marketing Science 27 (3), 474-491, 2008
How context affects choice
R Thomadsen, RP Rooderkerk, O Amir, N Arora, B Bollinger, K Hansen, ...
Customer Needs and Solutions 5, 3-14, 2018
GMO labeling policy and consumer choice
Y Kim, SA Kim, N Arora
Journal of Marketing 86 (3), 21-39, 2022
Estimating joint preference: A sub-sampling approach
N Arora
International Journal of Research in Marketing 23 (4), 409-418, 2006
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Articles 1–20